step in造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 11:44:01


step in造句

  • 1、It was unquestionably astep in the right direction.(这无疑是朝正确方向迈出的一步。)
  • 2、Getting behind the wheel of a car can be an exciting newstep in a teen's life.(在青少年的生活中,开车是一件令人兴奋的新事情。)
  • 3、The most difficultstep in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe is moral.(在确立价值观的过程中,最困难的一步将是确定我们所谓的道德标准。)
  • 4、Today's hearing was just the firststep in the legislative process.(今天的听证会仅仅是立法程序的第一步。)
  • 5、He said to Miles, "step in there a moment, good sir, and wait till I bring you word."(他对迈尔斯说:“进去一会儿,好先生,等我给你带信。”)
  • 6、Perhaps it is astep in the right direction.(也许这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。)
  • 7、The firststep in the process is to get the raw materials.(这个过程的第一步是获得原材料。)
  • 8、Anyone can understand everystep in the reasoning.(任何人都能理解推理的每一步。)
  • 9、What's the firststep in awakening senses?(唤醒感官的第一步是什么?)
  • 10、Practice is a necessarystep in learning and it will benefit the kids for a life time.(练习是学习的必要步骤,它会使孩子受益终生。)
  • 11、This won't solve the problem but it's astep in the right direction.(这虽不能解决问题,却是朝正确方向迈出的一步。)
  • 12、He thinks that's the firststep in understanding what they are saying.(他认为那是理解他们所说内容的第一步。)
  • 13、This secondstep in the development of a full sense of self is what James called the "self-as-object".(发展完整自我意识的第二步就是詹姆斯所说的“自我即客体”。)
  • 14、Have the kindness tostep in.(劳驾帮帮忙。)
  • 15、The firststep in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it.(解决这个意义缺失(问题)的第一步是找出你真正关心的是什么,然后再做点什么。)
  • 16、The team coach was forced tostep in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows.(运动队教练不得不介入,才使两个运动员没有动起手来。)
  • 17、The laststep in the recycling section is similar to the laststep in the production process with heating and pulping—before the cycle begins again.(回收部分的最后一步与加热和制浆的生产过程的最后一步相似——在循环再次开始之前。)
  • 18、I kept the pictures to myself and accepted this as one morestep in supporting his increasing autonomy.(我把这些照片留给自己,并把这看作是支持他不断增加的自主权的另一步。)
  • 19、"The bear would do better in its natural habitat and the agency wouldstep in if its condition deteriorated," they said.(“熊在自然栖息地会生活得更好,如果情况恶化,该机构将会介入。”他们说。)
  • 20、What is the firststep in evolution?(进化的第一步是什么?)
  • 21、The space shuttle, the world's first true spaceship, is a magnificentstep in making the impossible possible for the benefit and survival of man.(这架航天飞机是世界上第一艘真正的宇宙飞船,它是为了人类的利益和生存而把不可能变为可能的伟大一步。)
  • 22、Onestep in its formation on Earth involves microorganisms; they actually speed up the formation of jarosite dramatically.(在地球上形成黄钾铁矾的其中一个步骤涉及到微生物;实际上,微生物能大幅加快黄钾铁矾的形成。)
  • 23、Companies are using every trick in the book to stay onestep in front of their competitors.(各公司正用尽浑身解数想领先竞争对手一步。)
  • 24、That's a giantstep in the right direction.(那是朝着正确方向迈出的一大步。)
  • 25、If no agreement was reached, the army wouldstep in.(如果达不成协议,军队将会干预。)
  • 26、The firststep in awakening senses is to stop predicting what we are going to see and feel before it occurs.(唤醒感官的第一步是在事情发生之前,不要预测我们将要看到或感觉到的东西。)
  • 27、It's only a small improvement, but at least it's astep in the right direction.(虽然这只是小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。)
  • 28、The announcement was welcomed as astep in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.(这个通告受到欢迎,被认为是向正确方向迈进了一步,但也被普遍看作是装装样子。)

step in基本释义

step in

英 [step in] 美 [stɛp ɪn] 
走进; 介入; 干预; 伸脚穿入