
step down造句

step down造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:38:46


step down造句

  • 1、It is unclear whether that means the West wants Mr Kibaki tostep down.(然而,现在还不能确定这是否意味着西方要齐贝吉先生退位。)
  • 2、But as Apple explained today we've agreed it makes sense for me tostep down now.(但,像苹果今天所说的,我离开对于大家都有好处。)
  • 3、To substitute social media for human contact is incrementally astep down in customer service.(用社会媒体取代面对面交流,是客户服务逐步倒退的表现。)
  • 4、Mel Martinez said he wouldstep down as a senator for Florida before the autumn.(梅尔·马丁内兹说他将在秋季前辞去代表佛罗里达州的参议员职务。)
  • 5、Top banking executives tend to retain most of their shareholdings until theystep down.(顶级银行高管往往会保留他们的多数股权,直到他们离职。)
  • 6、The manager had tostep down on account of poor health.(那位经理由于身体不好,只能辞职不干。)
  • 7、He previously said that he too wouldstep down once the liberation was declared.(之前他说,一旦宣布解放,他也会辞职。)
  • 8、He should thereforestep down immediately after the elections.(因此,他应当在选举后立即辞职。)
  • 9、In addition, he faces rising international pressure tostep down.(另外,他还面临国际上敦促其下台的压力。)
  • 10、Data selection is the firststep down the road of data-driven testing.(数据选择是沿着数据驱动测试之路的第一步。)
  • 11、Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he wouldstep down as trial judge.(伊托法官说如果自己妻子被传为证人的话,他将辞去审判法官的职位。)
  • 12、There is no immediate sign that Mr Olmert will have tostep down.(现在还没有奥尔默特不得不立即离职的信号。)
  • 13、That Mr Nozoe was quietly asked tostep down without any proof of wrongdoing is also typical.(而没有任何野副州旦犯错的证据就可以将其辞退也是日本公司的典型行为。)
  • 14、On May 17th he said he wouldstep down sooner than expected.(5月17日他表示自己将比想象的更早辞职。)
  • 15、Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi tostep down, but he cannot force him to do so.(纳波利塔诺可能要求贝卢斯科尼下台,但他无法强迫他这样做。) haO86.com
  • 16、Pleasestep down at the back door.(请从后门下车。)
  • 17、Mubarak would notstep down.(穆巴拉克拒绝了辞职。)
  • 18、It emerged that Peter Orszag is tostep down as Barack Obama's top budget adviser.(有消息显示彼得·欧尔萨格或辞奥巴马首席预算顾问一职。)
  • 19、Whether Mr Persson wins or not, most pundits expect him tostep down within a year or two.(无论佩尔松输赢,多数学者预期他在一两年内辞职。)
  • 20、But Assad shows no sign of heeding their calls for him tostep down.(但是没有迹象显示阿萨德会响应他们的号召下台。)
  • 21、He said, "It has come time for me tostep down and to choose the next emperor."(并对他们说:“到了我该让位给新君的时候了。”)
  • 22、Small groups of leftists have burned his photo, and fiery criticism has also come from the right with one leading conservative radio host calling for him tostep down.(一小群左翼分子烧毁了他的照片,右派也对他进行了激烈的批评,一位主要的保守派电台主持人呼吁他下台。)
  • 23、But Mubarak did notstep down.(但穆巴拉克在那时并未辞职。)
  • 24、Blair has said he willstep down as prime minister before September.(布莱尔表示,他将在今年9月之前离任。)
  • 25、I hung in the wind a moment before asking leave tostep down.(我踌躇了一会儿,还是请求辞职。)
  • 26、The investment Banks are anotherstep down.(投资银行是再下面的一档。)
  • 27、Amanpour interrupted. "But they are calling on your father tostep down, " she said.(Amanpour打断他说:“但是他们都呼吁你父亲下台。”)
  • 28、After the bind , it canstep down (using setuid ) to run as the instance user.(在bind之后,服务器可以降级(使用setuid)为作为实例用户运行。)

step down基本释义

step down

英 [step daun] 美 [stɛp daʊn] 
逐渐缩小; 降低; 辞职