
step by step造句

step by step造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:38:46


step by step造句

  • 1、Just follow it,step by step.(遵循它,一步一步来。)
  • 2、He taught the sonstep by step.(他一步步教儿子。)
  • 3、I have thousands of dreams to realize, but I have to do little by little,step by step.(我有成千上万的梦想要实现,但我必须一点点,一步步地去完成。)
  • 4、Master this pattern as well as the other patterns, and you really can master Englishstep by step.(掌握这个模式以及其他所有的模式,你就可以一步一步地掌握英语。)
  • 5、step by step, he rose from one important task to another, until he became one of the best soldiers of that time.(一步一步地,他从做一个重要的任务上升到做另一个重要的任务,直到他成为当时最好的士兵之一。)
  • 6、The Event Handlerstep by step.(事件处理器的逐步讨论。)
  • 7、I'll explain it to youstep by step.(我来一步一步地给你解释。)
  • 8、I can make long hops, but you have to gostep by step.(我可以跳得很远,但你必须一步一步来。)
  • 9、We must map out programstep by step.(我们必须逐步制定我们的规划。)
  • 10、It's a process of finding the "larger you"step by step.(这正是发现“一个更全面的我”的过程。)
  • 11、step by step they realized the advantages of working as a team.(慢慢地,他们意识到了团队合作的优势。)
  • 12、Write out yourstep by step plan for the cooking day.(把烹饪那天的每一个步骤都写下来。)
  • 13、We'll go through this processstep by step.(我们将一步步地介绍整个过程。)
  • 14、Let's go through the limitations and problemsstep by step.(让我们通过一步一步的局限性和问题。)
  • 15、I am not rushing things and I'm taking itstep by step.(我没急于求成,我正在一步一步地来。)
  • 16、step by step, I can move forward.(一步一步,我在前进。)
  • 17、This section will review Listing 2step by step.(本节将逐步复查清单2。)
  • 18、step by step, he knew the importance of it.(渐渐地,他晓得了它的重要性。)
  • 19、Work through itstep by step to get hands-on experience.(您可以一步步地学习它以获得实际的经验。)
  • 20、Directors were ledstep by step into the mire.(董事们是一步步被带入泥潭的。)
  • 21、Next, I build a state machine,step by step.(接下来,我将逐步构建一个状态机。)
  • 22、Yeeyan isstep by step building a hierarchy in the community.(译言正逐步在社区里建立等级制度。)
  • 23、step by step, we are beginning to make progress.(我们正在一步步开始取得进展。)
  • 24、Remember this is astep by step process.(记住,这是一个循序渐进的过程。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 25、step by step, the steamer stepped up its speed and left the harbor.(逐步地,轮船加快了他的速度并离开了海港。)
  • 26、We'll go through itstep by step.(我们将一步一步地完成这个转换过程。)
  • 27、We should proceed in an orderly way, advancestep by step in our studies, and not reach for what is beyond our grasp.(我们在学习上应当循序渐进,不能好高骛远。)

step by step基本释义

step by step

英 [step bai step] 美 [stɛp baɪ stɛp] 

一步步地,逐步地,逐渐地; 缓缓; 浸