


更新时间:2024-06-16 12:41:26



  • 1、Imagine a world where building the tallestskyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.(想象在这样一个世界里,建造最高的摩天大楼不是一场关于高度的竞赛,而是一场关于收集最多的太阳能的竞赛。)
  • 2、skyscraper Index - Ghost of Economic crisis.(摩天大楼指数——如影随形的经济危机。)
  • 3、Shiniest: Gehry's New Yorkskyscraper, a gleaming prong of stainless steel.(最闪耀:盖里的纽约摩天大楼,闪闪发光的不锈钢尖刺。)
  • 4、Without the elevator, there could be no downtownskyscraper or tall buildings.(没有电梯,就不会有市中心的摩天大楼或高楼。)
  • 5、What it is selling is the world's first standardizedskyscraper and with it, Zhang aims to turn Broad into the McDonald's of the sustainable building industry.(正在销售的是世界上第一个标准化的摩天大楼,张的目标是让远大集团成为可持续建筑行业的麦当劳。)
  • 6、Askyscraper is rising near our school.(我们学校附近正在建起一座摩天大楼。)
  • 7、1 — Did you hear about that guy who climbed askyscraper?(1——你听说过那个爬上摩天大楼的人了吗?)
  • 8、Imagine yourself as an architect tasked with designing a large corporateskyscraper.(想想你是一个建筑师,分派到一个公司大厦的设计任务。)
  • 9、He wants to build askyscraper called the Dynamic Tower in Dubai.(他想在迪拜建造一幢称之为动态大楼的摩天大楼。)
  • 10、Theskyscraper towers into the clouds.(那幢摩天大楼高耸入云。)
  • 11、Theskyscraper rears high into the sky.(这座摩天大楼高耸入云。)
  • 12、For economy,skyscraper is an honor or a curse?(对于经济而言,摩天大楼是荣耀还是诅咒?)
  • 13、Zaha Hadid, a British architect, has designed the city's firstskyscraper.(经英国建筑师ZahaHadid之手,这座城的第一幢摩天大楼设计完成。)
  • 14、The hills recede into the distance and now we are in vast grasslands dotted with termite mounds,skyscraper sandcastles of the insect world.(群山渐渐隐去,我们现在是在广阔的草原上,白蚁丘星罗棋布,那是昆虫世界的摩天大楼。)
  • 15、Theskyscraper itself is composed of three towers spiraling around a central core.(绿洲大厦本身是由三座塔围绕一个核心螺旋上升形成的。)
  • 16、Actually everyskyscraper has a history.(其实每幢摩天大楼都有一段历史。)
  • 17、That 2,717-footskyscraper may never break even.(那幢2717英尺的摩天大楼的收支可能从来没平衡过。)
  • 18、For askyscraper-sized hydroponic farm, that is clearly impractical.(对于摩天大楼大小的水耕农场,这显然是不切实际的。)
  • 19、The NEC'sskyscraper and its gadgetry are controlled in the basement.(日本国家电气公司的摩天大楼和它的配件都在地下室控制。)
  • 20、To create a factory-builtskyscraper, Broad had to abandon the principles by whichskyscrapers are typically designed.(为了在工厂之上建造摩天大楼,远大集团不得不放弃摩天大楼通常的设计原则。)
  • 21、A steel mill's ingot goes into a sedan or askyscraper, but not both.(炼钢炉炼出的钢材可能用来造小轿车或者摩天大楼,但不可能一块钢材两个都造。) haO86.com
  • 22、The majesty of theskyscraper awed me.(这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。)
  • 23、Askyscraper called The Kingdom Tower will soon rise in the port city of Jeddah.(被称为“帝国大厦”的摩天大楼将屹立于沙特港口城市吉达。)
  • 24、Maybe the same folks who washskyscraper Windows, the architects say.(也许就像问谁会来清洗摩天大楼的窗户一样,建筑师说。)



英 [ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈskaɪˌskrepɚ] 
