1、Try other natural remedies such as stingingnettle to relieve congestion.(再试试其他的自然方法,比如用刺荨麻来减缓充血。)
2、During exercise, you should drink on average a half a cup every 15 minutes,nettle said.(内特还说:在锻炼过程中,每过15分钟你就应该平均喝半杯水。)
3、Don't waste too much time talking; after all we have to grasp thenettle.(别浪费时间聊天了,无论如何我们得迎着困难上。) (hao86.com好工具)
4、She was anettle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible.(她是一棵受过僧衣挨蹭的荨麻。)
5、"I drinknettle and cleaver tea, sometimes with some fresh lemon verbena when I find it," he says.(早上的茶是用荨麻和八仙草泡的。有时候碰到新鲜的柠檬马鞭草,就更好了。)
6、They are all heroes grasping thenettle.(他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。)
7、nettle were thus able to see just how picky women are, given the chance.(这样一来,内特尔就可以看出女人是多么挑剔。)
8、People in deprived areas face two kinds of hazard,nettle says.(贫困的区人口面临两种困境,内特尔说道。)
9、Research confirmed that these two enzymes have been blocked completely by thenettle Root extract.(这两种酶的研究已证实,完全阻断了荨麻根提取物。)
10、On the way was anettle-plant, and she said, oh,nettle-plant, littlenettle-plant, what dost thou here alone.(她看见了一丛荨麻,就说道:“噢,荨麻呀荨麻,小小的荨麻,你为何孤零零地长在这里?”)
11、Other remedies include fish oil and the herbs butterbur and stingingnettle (follow the dosage on the bottle).(其他药物包括说鱼油和草本款冬类植物,还有刺荨麻(根据药瓶上的剂量服用)。)
12、The key message, saidnettle, is that what happens to children early on in their lives is hugely influential.(内特尔说,最重要的信息是孩子的早期经历会产生巨大影响。)
13、Mr Pollet and Drnettle were thus able to see just how picky women are, given the chance.(因此,Pollet先生和nettle博士可完全从中得知,当机会赋予女士们时,她们会是如何的挑剔。)
14、nettle is a kind of common wild plant.(荨麻是一种普通的野生植物。)
15、There is always a chance that some particular true experience cannot only be gained when the individual "grasps thenettle".(总是存在这样的可能:一些特殊的真实经验并不能仅仅当个人大胆处理棘手问题时获得。)
16、There is one small hole in it about the size of a largenettle.(在它有一个小洞对大荨麻的大小。)
17、Falsehood like anettle stings those who meddle with it.(谎言似荨麻,玩一弄会刺手。)
18、I said nothing but, oh,nettle-plant, littlenettle-plant, what dost thou here alone.(我没说什么,但是,噢,荨麻,植物,小荨麻厂内,难道你是什么人在这里。)
19、Two among our number hold onlynettle wine.(两个里面装的是荨麻酒。)
20、He passes a large plantform called PHALANXIA which firesnettle-like projectiles at him.(他经过一片PHALANXIA植物丛,它们向他弹射出荨麻状的射弹。)
21、nettle, for one, believes it can.(举个例子说,纳特勒就认为能。)
22、The orange Pacific seanettle is radiant as a star.(橙色太平洋水母像明星一样光彩照人。)
23、Haselton andnettle argue that evolution, as the engineer of life, has designed men's inference system similarly.(哈塞·尔顿和丹纽认为,进化,作为生命的工程师,把男人的推理系统也设计成这样。)
24、And what is required for thenettle?(并且荨麻需要什么呢?)
25、By what isnettle rash caused?(麻疹是由什么引起的?)
26、Everyone make way for Missnettle!(每个人给荨麻小姐让路!)
27、The offer to share two of Europe's eight seats hardly seemed to grasp thisnettle.(所以即使欧洲把在董事会的八个座位让两个给亚洲,似乎也是无伤大雅的。)