
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:28:24



  • 1、In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet topreserve one's physical presence to inspire future generations of thinkers.(然而,对于伟大的哲学家来说,更好的办法是保存一个人的存在,以激励后世历代的思想者。)
  • 2、To help them survive, we need topreserve their habitats.(为了帮助它们生存,我们需要保护它们的栖息地。)
  • 3、Tanco, a leather manufacturer, uses large quantities of common salt topreserve animal hides.(皮革制造商Tanco使用大量食盐来保存兽皮。)
  • 4、According to GNP, for example, countries that overcut forests actually do better than those thatpreserve their forests.(例如,过度砍伐森林的国家实际上比那些保护森林的国家的国民生产总值更高。)
  • 5、Rather, she wants topreserve the tradition of the neighborhood ice-cream truck.(相反,她想保留街区冰淇淋车这一传统。)
  • 6、They value the environmental quality theypreserve over their oil imports from abroad.(比起从国外进口的石油,他们更重视所保护的环境质量。)
  • 7、It was this that made the organization of irrigation, particularly the building of canals to channel andpreserve the water, essential.(正是这点使得灌溉的统筹,特别是建造运河以疏导和保护水,变得至关重要。)
  • 8、Take you up to Westfield's naturalpreserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond.(带你去韦斯特菲尔德自然保护区进行短途旅行,或者在大池塘中练习跳石块。)
  • 9、We have to act topreserve the unity of this nation.(我们必须行动起来以维护这个国家的统一。)
  • 10、He was anxious topreserve his reputation.(他急于维护自己的名声。)
  • 11、In a gesture to helppreserve history, the Greek government established a committee to undertake the professional restoration of the Acropolis.(为了保护历史,希腊政府组建了一个委员会来承担雅典卫城的恢复工作。)
  • 12、We need topreserve the forest.(我们需要保护森林。)
  • 13、We need topreserve the element of surprise.(我们得保留一些使人感到意外的东西。)
  • 14、We will do everything topreserve peace.(我们将竭尽全力维护和平。)
  • 15、Although most people, I believe, would wish topreserve this art, I'm afraid that tourism is another reason why the art is disappearing.(虽然我相信大多数人都希望保护这种艺术,但恐怕旅游业是导致这种艺术消失的另一个原因。)
  • 16、Efforts topreserve the peace have failed.(维护和平的努力失败了。)
  • 17、Louis sees the project as a way topreserve history as it happens.(路易斯把这个项目看作是保存历史的一种方式。)
  • 18、They are in a separate room where the temperature is controlled, topreserve the old paper in them.(它们在一个温度受到控制的单独房间里,以保存其中的旧纸。)
  • 19、I believe it would be better for residents to commute to work andpreserve the peace of our neighborhood.(我认为,居民通勤上班,维护社区的和睦会更好。)
  • 20、"It is surprising how well youpreserve your teeth, Miss," said the collar.(“小姐,你把你的牙齿保护得这么好,这真令人惊讶!”衬衫领子说。)
  • 21、Curiosity, he argues, is the third key factor—and a difficult one topreserve.(他认为,好奇心是第三个关键因素,也是很难保留的一个因素。)
  • 22、Environmental organizations want topreserve the land surrounding the Wilgrinn Wilderness Area from residential development.(环保组织希望保护威尔格林荒野地区周围的土地不受住宅开发的影响。)
  • 23、What actually was true was this: In order to have meat for the winter, people wouldpreserve it in salt, not a spice.(事实是这样的:为了在冬天有肉吃,人们会用盐来保存肉,而不是用香料。)
  • 24、With refrigerators and freezers, we canpreserve a lot of different foods in our homes.(有了冰箱和冰柜,我们可以在家里保存很多不同的食物。)
  • 25、The ham is covered in salt to dry andpreserve it, and left to hang for up to two years.(火腿上撒上了盐,风干保存,然后挂起来放上两年。)
  • 26、You don'tpreserve an airplane by keeping it on the ground; youpreserve it by keeping it in service.(你不应该通过让飞机留在地面来保护它,而应该让它继续服役来保养它。)
  • 27、As for craftsmanship itself, the issue is how topreserve it as a valued skill in the general population.(至于技艺本身,问题在于如何在普通大众中将它作为一种有价值的技能保留。)
  • 28、Because many palaeontologists base their work on the shape of fossils alone, their methods of conservation are not designed topreserve DNA.(由于许多古生物学家的工作仅基于化石的形状,因此其保存方法并非旨在保存DNA。)
  • 29、The society was set up topreserve endangered species from extinction.(成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。)



英 [prɪˈzɜ:v] 美 [prɪˈzɜ:rv] 
形容词: preservable 名词: preservability 过去式: preserved 过去分词: preserved 现在分词: preserving 第三人称单数: preserves

