
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:21:14



  • 1、unlike Confucius, Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively.(与孔子不同,苏格拉底没有被统治者问及该如何有效治理国家。)
  • 2、The newly discovered world followed an orbital pathunlike that of any other planet.(新发现的这个天体的运行轨和任何其他行星的不同。)
  • 3、unlike Raoul, Mickey hadn't enclosed his own Christmas card from me.(和拉乌尔不同,米奇没有附上他的圣诞卡给我。)
  • 4、This was a foreign country, sounlike San Jose.(这是异国,因而不像圣何塞。)
  • 5、Althoughunlike potatoes, they weren't originally cultivated there.(尽管与土豆不同,它们最初并不是在那里培植的。)
  • 6、It was sounlike him to say something like that, with such intensity, that I was astonished.(那样激烈地说那样的话真不像是他,以至我很惊讶。)
  • 7、It all sounded sounlike India, and anything new rather attracted her.(这一切听起来都和印度不同,任何新鲜的东西都吸引着她。)
  • 8、unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install.(本系统与多数系统不同,极易安装。)
  • 9、But,unlike sunlight, the light from these LEDs did not support photosynthesis.(但是,与阳光不同的是,这些发光二极管发出的光不支持光合作用。)
  • 10、unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.(和葡萄酒不同,白兰地只能在木质容器里酿成,玻璃容器不行。)
  • 11、unlike traditional gyms, app-backed gyms offer people flexible options to exercise.(不同于传统健身房,使用应用程序的健身房为人们提供灵活的运动选择。) hAo86.com
  • 12、unlike the banks, no hedge funds had to be rescued by governments.(与银行不同的是,没有对冲基金需要政府救助。)
  • 13、It's veryunlike him to be so late.(迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。)
  • 14、Hybrids,unlike pure electric cars, never need to be plugged in.(混合动力汽车,不像纯电动汽车,从不需要接电源。)
  • 15、The sound was notunlike that of birds singing.(这声音有点像鸟鸣。)
  • 16、unlike many mammals they do not engage in human-like behaviour.(与许多哺乳动物不同的是,它们不会做出类似人类的行为。)
  • 17、unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.(不像其他树,它不是越往上越细,而是自下往上一样粗。)
  • 18、unlike the day traders, they tended to hold on to stocks for days and weeks, sometimes even months.(和当日交易者不同,他们倾向于持股几天、几周有时甚至几个月。)
  • 19、Japan,unlike other big economies, is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.(不像其他经济大国,日本有着令人羡慕的预算盈余。)
  • 20、unlike John Locke, Descartes doubts that knowledge comes to him from his senses.(与约翰·洛克不同,笛卡尔对知识来自于他的感官这点带有怀疑。)
  • 21、Apartment 46 was a quiet apartment,unlike the one above it.(46号公寓是一套安静的公寓,不像它上面的那一套。)
  • 22、He was firm and steadyunlike other men she knew.(他坚定、可靠,和她所认识的其他男人不同。)
  • 23、Spanish spelling is phonetic,unlike English spelling.(与英语不同,西班牙语的拼写与发音相近。)
  • 24、unlike so many of his comrades, he survived the war.(不像他的许多战友,他在战争中幸存了下来。)
  • 25、It has a very informal atmosphere, quiteunlike some grand houses you visit.(它有一种非常随意的气氛,与你参观的一些豪宅不同。)
  • 26、unlike wind power, there areunlikely to be environmental objections.(与风能不同的是,不太可能出现环境方面的反对意见。)
  • 27、unlike apples, fresh persimmon is not available year round.(与苹果不同的是,新鲜柿子不是一年四季都有。)
  • 28、And could that language beunlike any other on Earth?(这种语言和地球上的其他语言有什么不同吗?)



英 [ˌʌnˈlaɪk] 美 [ʌnˈlaɪk] 


prep.不像,与…不同;与 ... 平时不同