crack up造句

更新时间:2024-06-03 00:09:06


crack up造句

  • 1、Suddenly without warning the plane seemed tocrack up as it was about to take off.(飞机将要起飞时,突然,没有得到任何警告,就好像要撞裂了。)
  • 2、Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.(接着,往这个心形的空缺处打一只鸡蛋,并将其油煎一下,最后放在吐司上。)
  • 3、It appears that the shell has to crack open or break down somewhat to allow the seed to soak up water.(看来,为了让种子吸收水分,种子的外壳必须裂开或破裂。)
  • 4、You'llcrack up if you carry on working like this.(你再这样干下去,身体会垮掉的。)
  • 5、Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into thecrack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.(把你的脚尖(大脚趾在上,小指在下)楔入裂缝中去,直到你的足弓的部分,膝盖保持向外。)
  • 6、That made mecrack up.(这让我崩溃了。)
  • 7、At the crack of dawn, he would run up the slopes with his skis on, an unbelievably backbreaking activity.(在黎明时分,他会穿着滑雪板跑上斜坡。做这样一项非常耗费体力的运动让人难以置信。)
  • 8、I'm always afraid that I'llcrack up the car.(我老是担心会把车给整坏。)
  • 9、Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.(在煎锅中加热黄油,然后放入面包薄片模子。将一个鸡蛋打到心形状的洞里,将其煎熟,再放在烤面包上上菜。)
  • 10、These days they were up at the crack of dawn.(这些天他们在破晓时就起床。)
  • 11、If you do not rest you will sooncrack up.(要是你不休息,很快会垮下来的。)
  • 12、The damaged windshield began tocrack up all over.(破损的挡风玻璃开始全部裂开。)
  • 13、They won'tcrack up, no matter what you do.(他们不会笑,不管你怎么做。) (好工具
  • 14、But let's have the kidscrack up laughing as they watch their drunken dad try to proposition an empty wallet.(不过应该加上这一幕:孩子们看见他们喝醉的父亲向一个空钱包求爱时,忽然爆发一阵大笑。)
  • 15、At 3am pen was woken up with a shuddering jolt as a new [crack] opened not far from the door - around 10 metres.(半夜3点,潘被一阵剧烈晃动惊醒了。当时就在离门不远处,出现了一条大约10米长的新裂缝带。)
  • 16、In one recent crack-up, two drivers survived with only minor injury.(在最近的一次撞车事故中,两名司机只是轻微受伤而幸存。)
  • 17、Besides that, our parents let us E-mail sometimes, and we still get to talk andcrack up together on the phone now and then.(除了这个之外,有时,我们的父母还让我们互相发邮件,我们时常通过电话彼此交谈,一起哈哈大笑!)
  • 18、Pressure of work caused John tocrack up.(工作压力使约翰垮掉。)
  • 19、From the combat to the items to the conversation, everything about this game is designed to make youcrack up at least a little.(从战斗到项目的对话,这个游戏的一切都是为了让你至少有一点精力的消耗。)
  • 20、If he doesn't rest he'llcrack up soon.(他要是不休息,他很快会垮掉的。)
  • 21、I kept a straight face as long as I could, but I finally had tocrack up.(我尽量板着面孔,但最后还是控制不住失声大笑起来。)
  • 22、Pressure of life caused him tocrack up.(生活压力做出健康地反应。)
  • 23、You're clearly having some kind of a crack-up, so I suggest you take three weeks off.(你显然有某种精神崩溃的样子,所以我建议你休假三周。)
  • 24、He mightcrack up under the strain.(压力大的话,他可能会崩溃的。)
  • 25、E. g. His jokes made hercrack up.(他的笑话让她大笑不止。)
  • 26、If you do not rest you'll sooncrack up.(你不来我们就要发疯了。)

crack up基本释义

crack up

英 [kræk ʌp] 美 [kræk ʌp] 