
更新时间:2024-06-02 23:49:27



  • 1、Dickens began to write sketches of London life, signed them with thepen-name Boz.(狄更斯开始写一些伦敦生活的随笔,以“鲍斯”的笔名发表。)
  • 2、Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn't emblazoned with a drug's name, or see a nurse use a tablet not bearing a pharmaceutical company's logo.("很少有病人看到医生使用没有印有药品名称的笔,也很少看到护士使用没有医药公司标识的药片。)
  • 3、Everyone would know I have need the pen name in my network salon when they know my every name.(当大家知道我所有的名字,就知道我在公益沙龙里用的是笔名。)
  • 4、It was a pen name. My editor at time Warner gave it to me, and the first time I saw it was in a contract.(是我在时代华纳时的编辑给我的这个名字,而且我第一次知道这个名字,是因为我要签的这份合同上写的是这个名字。)
  • 5、It was during these years that he began to enjoy drawing in his spare time using hispen-name, Tango, which is now more recognized than that of Gao.(就是在那些年间,他开始用笔名“Tango坚持在业余时间作画。”现在,Tango这个名字,可比他的本名辨识度高多了。)
  • 6、Enter the text pen in node of the request envelop and send the request for a third time, but with different category name.(在请求信封的节点输入文本pen,第3次发送请求,但是使用不同的类名。)
  • 7、Thomas, a 30-year-old fantasy writer who writes under the pen name Catherynne M. Valente, and Zagidulin, a 31-year-old computer programmer, were married earlier this month.(Thomas今年30岁,笔名CatherynneM.Valente,是位奇幻作家,Zagidulin31岁,是程序员。他们本月初结的婚。)
  • 8、Reasons for concern: guest signature can not prepare several pen, let the guests to write down his name on the line.(关注理由:来宾签到可不是准备几支笔,让来宾们写下自己的名字就行了。)
  • 9、After the liberation of Shanghai in 1949 to Leung in Shanghai, Beijing pen name "is also" published novels.(1949年上海解放后以梁京笔名在上海《亦报》上发表小说。)
  • 10、I clearly have lost all understanding of how long 24 hours is, and of the fact that I would never write anything longer than my name with a pen.(显然,我已经完全忘记了24小时到底有多长,也忘记了我再也无法用笔写出任何比我名字长的单词来了。)
  • 11、"Slash" careers reflect growing areas of expertise, according to Pang Jinhua (pen name Situ Zhengjin), a senior financial commentator and deputy chief editor of Teller magazine.(高级财经评论员、《曰客》杂志副主编逄锦华(笔名:司徒正襟)认为“斜杠”职业反应出专业领域正在不断增加。)
  • 12、Here's your passport. And here's my pen so I can fill my own form out. Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom.(你的护照给你。我也把我的笔拿出来,这样我就可以填写我自己的了。别忘了在底下签名。)
  • 13、It has the same validity as typing your name in ane-mail or signing a document using a pen.(它与在电子邮件上键入你的名字或者用笔在一份文件上签字具有同样的效力。)
  • 14、From the time when his pen name "Luxun" comes into being, its celebrity and implication, the thesis probes into the life of Luxun.(文章从“鲁迅”笔名出现的时间、知名度和涵义,探讨作家鲁迅的人生道路。)
  • 15、Elsewhere on the Robert Galbraith website, Rowling has revealed the reason she chose her pen name.(在罗伯特·加尔布雷斯网站的第一部分,罗琳透露了她选择这个笔名的原因。)
  • 16、He adopt his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12feet) of water-a navigable depth.(他的笔名来自他在汽船上做工时听到的水手们测量水深时的喊声,意思是“水深两浔(12英尺)—即可以通航的信号语。”)
  • 17、One Web site, Rongshuxia, was particularly influential, carrying novels by Annie Baobei, Ning Caishen and Li Xunhuan (the pen name of Lu Jinbo, now a prominent publisher who supports Mr. Murong).(像榕树下,这个很有影响力的文学网站,聚集着安妮宝贝,宁财神和李寻欢(路金波的笔名,现在他是著名的出版商)等网络写手。)
  • 18、Dan Perkins, who draws the syndicated cartoon "This Modern World" under the pen name Tom Tomorrow, will move the online home of his comic from Salon, where it has resided since 1995, to Daily Kos.(丹•帕金斯(DanPerkins)为各家报刊创作漫画——“这个现代世界”,他的笔名是汤姆明天(TomTomorrow),他自1995年就在沙龙(Salon)上创作漫画,这是他的网上家园,不过帕金斯将要从这个地方搬到DailyKos了。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 19、Writing another person's name with a red pen may suggest that the person will get into a serious accident.(用红笔书写别人名字有可能暗示对方将会卷入严重的意外中。)
  • 20、To cover up the publication of his first poem he took the pen name pablo neruda.(为了掩人耳目发表第一部诗集,诗人就为自己取了个笔名——聂鲁达。)
  • 21、FOCUS ON SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY(FOSFF): I picked up the three "Lost Fleet" novels. Why are you writing them under a pen name?(问:我无意中看到了三本“失踪的舰队”系列小说,你为什么要用笔名写作这些书?)
  • 22、JOHN HEMRY(JH): The pen name was required because of the way the publishing industry works these days.(约翰·海姆瑞:我使用笔名,是因为如今的出版业运作的方式。)
  • 23、She wipes her pen over the newspaper's name, date, section, and page number and then circles the quote.(她在报纸的名称,日期部分和页码擦拭笔尖,然后将引用圈了起了。)
  • 24、From then on his sketches, which appeared under the pen name "Boz" in The Evening Chronicle, earned him a modest reputation.(从那时起,他以笔名“博兹”出现在《纪事晚报》上的速写作品里,这些小品文为他赢得了一定的声誉。)



英 [ˈpenˌneɪm] 美 [ˈpɛnˌnem] 
