


更新时间:2024-06-02 23:51:45



  • 1、Individuals are becoming ever more enthusiastic about running children's welfare homes andnon-governmental welfare homes are on the increase.(个人兴办福利院的积极性日见高涨,民间社会福利机构不断增多。)
  • 2、However,non-governmental women's to commemorate the Bright Moon, we have to wrap kicker.(但民间女子为纪念月娘,便纷纷裹起脚来。)
  • 3、These refugees are taken care of by the combined efforts of the host countries andnon-governmental organizations.(这些难民得到东道国和非政府组织合力照顾。)
  • 4、Initiated by the hundreds of Wenzhou shoe factory unionnon-governmental organizations.(由温州数百家制鞋厂联盟发起的民间团体!) Hao86.com
  • 5、Twonon-governmental websites offered information from CAIRS to the public.(两个非政府网站向公众提供来自计算机辅助情报检索系统的信息。)
  • 6、The principle of "he who is benefited shall give rewards". The project owners shall be encouraged to reward thenon-governmental attractors.(谁受益谁奖励的原则。鼓励项目业主对社会引资者进行奖励。)
  • 7、In Wenzhou, the activenon-governmental financial and commercial city, it will bear the fruits of what?(而在温州这个民间金融和商业活跃的城市,它又会结出怎样的果实?)
  • 8、Thenon-governmental judicial expertise units are public organizations that provide identification services for three certain litigant activities.(社会司法鉴定机构是为三类诉讼活动提供鉴定服务的公益性组织。)
  • 9、China is the only one country in the world that USES the concept of "non-governmental education".(中国是世界上唯一使用“民办教育”概念的国家。)
  • 10、The senior citizen association of Honghu fishery is a ruralnon-governmental organization, which its foundation was promoted by external force.(洪湖渔场老年人协会是在外力推动下成立的一农村民间组织。)
  • 11、There were very close relations between the civil mediation andnon-governmental norms.(清代民间调处与民间社会规范之间有着十分密切的关系。)
  • 12、The Russians are also neurotically keen to curtail the activities ofnon-governmental organisations.(俄国还神经质的热衷于缩减非官方组织的活动。)
  • 13、We shall encourage the running of schools bynon-governmental sectors so as to bring the initiative of all quarters into play.(积极鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各方面办学的积极性。)
  • 14、There is inevitability for the long existence ofnon-governmental credit loans.(民间借贷之所以能够长期存在,有其存在的必然性。)
  • 15、With the upsurge of our social PR economy, the PR management of non-profit andnon-governmental organizations is becoming more and more important.(简而言之,公共关系管理应该成为非营利组织战略管理中的基本环节,并成为日常事务中的组成部分。)
  • 16、Thee World Peace forum is the first high-level,non-governmental international security forum hosted by China.(世界和平论坛是中国举办的第一个高级别非官方国际安全论坛。)
  • 17、We hope that this form ofnon-governmental and grass-roots power of the country to become a useful supplement to prevent AIDS.(希望我们这种民间的形式和草根的力量能成为国家预防艾滋病的有益补充。)
  • 18、Both sides should expand exchanges on culture, education and among localities andnon-governmental organizations.(双方要着力扩大文化、教育、地方、民间团体交流。)
  • 19、The fellow society (an organization of people from the same birth place) was an importantnon-governmental organization in modern Shanghai.(同乡组织是近代上海的重要社会中间组织。)
  • 20、The bodies ofnon-governmental Governance are the folk association which produces massively.(民间治理的主体是大量产生的民间性团体。)
  • 21、We shall give full play to the functions ofnon-governmental organizations in studying and working.(学习和工作中要充分发挥群众组织的作用。)
  • 22、China will actively promote thenon-governmental contacts and increase educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries.(中方将积极推动两国民间交往,增加人文交流。)
  • 23、We should encourage, support and standardize schools run bynon-governmental sectors or through Chinese-foreign cooperation.(我们应鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。)
  • 24、Moreover, theosenon-governmental schools targeting migrant workers' children in urban areas are also in noticeably robust demand.(城市里为打工子女办的民办学校更是需求旺盛。)
  • 25、We should observe and recognize customary rights embodied innon-governmental norms.(应当透过民间规范来观察、理解习惯权利。)
  • 26、Actually otherwise, the fact is that even some relatively poverty-stricken areas have seen the set-up of manynon-governmental schools.(其实不然,甚至比较贫困的地区也有民办学校兴建。)


