move off造句

更新时间:2024-06-02 12:33:41


move off造句

  • 1、Hikers and bicyclists shouldmove off the trail to the downhill side.(步行者和骑单车的人应该避开这样的小道下山。)
  • 2、One is tomove off to Changsha, West Changan not see home.(一为迁客去长沙,西望长安不见家。)
  • 3、You don't even have tomove off the couch. Just aim the remote and push the button.(你不需要从躺椅上下来,你只需要把遥控器对准电视机并按下按钮。)
  • 4、When you delete a record, RFX sets all the fields to NULL as a reminder that the record is deleted and you mustmove off it.(当您删除记录时,RFX将所有字段设置为NULL,提醒您该记录已删除,您必须将其移走。)
  • 5、I want tomove off campus.(我想搬出校住。)
  • 6、Rates have actually increased in many markets because companies do not have excess inventory they need to discount tomove off the lot.(很多市场的价格实际上是提高了,因为租车公司并没有过多的库存以需要打折销售。)
  • 7、The end result is rather like telling a story to a crowd of people, some of whomove off to another crowd and spread the story there.(最终结果非常类似于对一群人讲故事,其中一些人又跑到别的人群中散布故事。)
  • 8、Signal the driver tomove off.(示意司机离开。)
  • 9、As the tooling improves, the expectation is that projects will start tomove off CVS and onto Git on the Eclipse infrastructure.(随着工具的不断完善,该项目期望由CVS迁移到构建在Eclipse基础设施之上的Git。)
  • 10、How easily could someonemove off the project?(某人能轻而易举地离开项目吗?)
  • 11、Tomove off, it is then almost silently restarted by a motor in the two-mode hybrid transmission.(搬掉,然后重新启动发动机几乎默默在双模混合传输。)
  • 12、He tried tomove off a medical-aid stretcher and, just before he died, spoke something that could not be understood.(他试着离开救助担架,并且在他临死前说了一些让人不理解的话。)
  • 13、The principles of off-trail travel should be practiced if the decision is made tomove off-trail for breaks.(如果决定到小路以外休息,就必须遵循小路外行进的原则。)
  • 14、She learned some management skills, and was eventually able tomove off the assembly line.(她学到了一些管理技能,最终可以离开生产线了。)
  • 15、When it's icy,move off in second.(路面有冰时,起步挂二挡。)
  • 16、Chieko has always been very happy, did notmove off the idea of marriage.(千惠一直过得很快乐,没动过结婚的念头。)
  • 17、Most firms that canmove off the mainframe have already done so, explains Rakesh Kumar of Gartner, a market-research firm.(市场调查公司Gartner的勒凯什-库马尔表示,绝大多数能够放弃大型机的公司都放弃了大型机。)
  • 18、They would get married andmove off to an apartment or someplace down the street, or to another city.(他们会结婚,他们会搬到附近住宅,或另一座城市。)
  • 19、A history moisture tomove off the man of gifted pen, leaving Canruo stars of the poetry chapter.(滋润了历代迁客骚人的生花妙笔,留下了灿若繁星的诗章。)
  • 20、Introduction: Suffocating in the city every day, the busy pushing us tomove off to face various obstacles.(在令人窒息的城市里,每天忙碌的工作推着我们向前跑去面对各种各样的障碍。)
  • 21、As theymove off to share their cigarette pack, the electrical system abruptly shuts down, the fluorescence of sunset our only light.(他们下车的时候把那包烟分了,这时,电路突然出现故障,只有夕阳的光芒照着我们。)
  • 22、If it wont, you risk being forced tomove off your given framework at a time not of your choosing.(如果不是,您将冒着被迫离开指定框架的风险,而这并非您的意愿。)
  • 23、Why, then,move off your couch and risk the ennui of the real world?(但是为什么你会离开你的床去冒险经历现实世界的无聊呢?)
  • 24、A few minutes later, the whistle sounded and the train began tomove off.(几分钟过后,汽笛响了,火车启动了。)
  • 25、Karen and Lisa wished Kami luck, and he started tomove off.(凯伦和丽莎祝卡米好运,随后他便出发了。)
  • 26、This way changes are only committed to the database after youmove off of a row.(这样,仅当您从行中移开后,更改才提交到数据库。)
  • 27、This driving mode allows you tomove off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.(这种驾驶方法可以让你用三档发动汽车以减少结冰情况下的车轮打滑。)

move off基本释义

move off

英 [mu:v ɔf] 美 [muv ɔf] 
离去; 出发; 走掉