cast off造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 12:43:36


cast off造句

  • 1、By 9:30 we hadcast off and were heading downriver.(在9:30之前我们已经起航并且向下游行驶。)
  • 2、Shecast off her former friends and started a new life.(她远离了以前的朋友,开始了全新的生活。)
  • 3、This can be done – the majority of humanity cancast off the tiny minority of parasites.(这是可以做到的,因为人类中占绝大多的群体有能力抛弃那些极少数的寄生虫。)
  • 4、Forget the recession, at least for now in Japan, where it's time for some mystery New Year's shopping designed tocast off the economic gloom.(先别去想什么经济危机了,至少现在在日本可以这样。为了驱散经济危机的阴霾,日本商家在新年之际推出了一种神秘的购物方式。)
  • 5、For to be free is not merely tocast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.(拥有自由并不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,而且还意味着以一种尊重和提升他人自由的方式生活。)
  • 6、He wants tocast off the peculiar curse that makes him a stranger to the village.(他想打破那个专门为他所施的咒语,不想成为村中的陌生看客。)
  • 7、To reach the everglades we havecast off from Sheraton Wharf at Noosa Heads and made our way past a millionaires' row of opulent weekenders and holiday apartments.(为了到达湿地,我们从努萨角的喜来登码头出发,行船经过一栋栋百万富翁的度假公寓。)
  • 8、She'scast off three boy-friends in a month.(她一个月里就甩了三个男朋友。)
  • 9、In an effort tocast off its anti-science image, the Catholic Church has acknowledged the Big Bang, with one caveat - the Pope said today Jan.(为了努力摆脱其反科学的形象,天主教会已经带上一个警告地承认了宇宙大爆炸。)
  • 10、Once soliton come, I willcast off towline immediately.(一旦乱流过来,我将立刻解掉拖缆。)
  • 11、Minutes later, wecast off and headed offshore in a southerly direction.(几分钟以后,我们启航向南驶去。)
  • 12、Anyone who wants Japan tocast off its 20-year economic funk will welcome that.(这是任何想让日本摆脱20年经济低迷的人想要的结果。)
  • 13、Tocast off its constrictions.(为了摆脱它的束缚。)
  • 14、As we proceed along life's journey, we must learn when and how tocast off our own mistakes and shortcomings, too.(当我们沿著人生的旅程前进时,我们也须学会何时及如何除掉我们自己的错误和缺点。)
  • 15、But it will take a lot longer for the bank to show that it really hascast off its accident-prone ways.(但花旗还需要更长时间以表明它已经彻底甩掉了易于出事的运营模式。)
  • 16、cast off this child!(甩开这孩子!)
  • 17、Presently, the cracked bell tapped and a voice gave the order tocast off.(不久,船上的破钟敲响了,一个声音发出了开船的命令。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 18、I don't want to suggest that Iran is a nation of women thirsting tocast off their chadors.(我不想让人认为伊朗是这样一个国家——妇女们渴望扔掉她们的黑色斗篷。)
  • 19、Tereza appears to me a continuation of the gesture by which her mothercast off her life as a young beauty cast it far behind her.(依我看来,特丽莎只是她母亲这重标示的继续,她母亲正是这样来抛弃了自己小美人的生活,抛在身后远远的。)
  • 20、The town is still trying tocast off its dull image.(该镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。)
  • 21、She had first choice of the clothingcast off by Miss Julia and Miss Clara.(朱丽亚小姐和克拉拉小姐穿旧了的衣服她可以优先选用。)
  • 22、For the LORD will notcast off for ever.(因为主必不永远丢弃人。)
  • 23、She agreed and was freed, then quicklycast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted.(她同意了,就获释了,紧接着扔掉了连衣裙,重回叛军队伍;很快,她就获得了提升。)
  • 24、Now that the warmer weather has come we cancast off our winter clothing.(既然天气已经暖和,我们就可以脱下冬装了。)
  • 25、Snakescast off and renew their skins.(蛇脱了皮,又长出新的皮来。)

cast off基本释义

cast off

英 [kɑ:st ɔf] 美 [kæst ɔf] 