
更新时间:2024-06-02 12:42:53



  • 1、Let me take a completely different approach. Suppose eventsunfold like this.(接着Rhett采用了一种完全不同的办法,假定如下。)
  • 2、By manipulating the amount of money on offer in each situation, Cohen and his collaborators could watch this neural tug of warunfold.(通过操纵每种情况下提供的资金数量,科恩和他的合作者可以观察到这种神经拉锯战的展开。)
  • 3、The other horses watched the dramaunfold.(其他的马目睹了这一悲剧的发生。)
  • 4、Instead of feeling happiness and awe from staring at an anthill and watching the mysteries of lifeunfold, you decided to forget those small pleasures.(当你凝视着一座蚁丘,看着生命的奥秘展现时,你并没有感到快乐和敬畏,而是决定忘记那些小小的快乐。)
  • 5、Have patience and let your lifeunfold like a budding flower.(保持耐心,让生活如含苞待放的花蕾。)
  • 6、It's going to be interesting to watch thisunfold over the next 15-20 years.(在以后15到20年的时间里看着这样的事情发生真是有意思的事情。)
  • 7、I saw all thisunfold from a peculiar perspective.(我从一个独特的角度观察了所有这些事件的展开。)
  • 8、Araby is easier because it's linear, the storyunfold chronologically.(《阿拉比》比较简单,因为它是线性的,故事按时间顺序展开。)
  • 9、And you'll see thatunfold starting in 2008 and moving forward.(这中展开将出现在2008年,并且不断向前推进。)
  • 10、Now those friends, if they're interested, can watch itunfold in real time online.(如今,如果这些朋友感兴趣的话,他们可以实时地在网上了解你的度假生活。)
  • 11、Hostages and hostage takers trapped by seige, and some surprising thingsunfold.(人质和劫持者被围困,然后意想不到的事情发生了。)
  • 12、The outcome depends on conditions as well as how eventsunfold.(结果取决于条件以及事件如何发展。)
  • 13、"It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able tounfold it".(“幸运的是,它的状态很好,”卡普萨里斯说,“我们只需要做一些小事情就可以把它展开。“)
  • 14、When we are listened to, it creates us, makes usunfold and expand.(当我们被倾听,它创造我们,使我们显露、展现自己。)
  • 15、I begin tounfold myself.(我开始展开自己。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、On weekends in parks around the China, dating dramas of a different typeunfold.(只消周末在中国的各大公园转转,你就会发现不同类型的相亲喜剧正在上演。)
  • 17、unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole.(先把旗子展开,然后迅速地把它升到旗杆的顶端。)
  • 18、Operation 2 - fold inward lengthwise, thenunfold.(操作二:把纸向内折叠,然后再展开。)
  • 19、Life is a mystery -unfold it.(人生是一个谜,揭开它。)
  • 20、This is going tounfold in several ways.(可以以几种不同的方式展开。)
  • 21、Investors' choices will be guided by how they think the crisis willunfold.(投资者作何选择将取决于他们看待危机演变的方式。)



英 [ʌnˈfəʊld] 美 [ʌnˈfoʊld] 
名词: unfoldment 过去式: unfolded 过去分词: unfolded 现在分词: unfolding 第三人称单数: unfolds
