
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:08



  • 1、Then they start toyawn, we start toyawn.(然后他们开始打哈欠,我们也开始打哈欠。)
  • 2、The meeting was one bigyawn from start to finish.(这个会议自始至终都无聊透顶。)
  • 3、Have you everyawned in front of someone, only to have themyawn right back?(你有没有在别人面前打呵欠,结果对方也打呵欠?)
  • 4、Before youyawn, rub your eyes and hit the snooze button, consider the consequences of living in a nation of sleepheads.(在你打哈欠、揉眼睛、准备打盹之前,想一想生活在一个瞌睡虫遍地的国家是怎样的一个情况吧。)
  • 5、It was many hours since he had eaten anything and he started toyawn from hunger.(他已经很多个小时没吃东西了,饿得开始打呵欠。)
  • 6、He faked ayawn.(他装着打了一个呵欠。)
  • 7、This accords with anecdotal evidence that people oftenyawn in situations where they are neither tired nor bored, but are preparing for impending mental and physical activity.(这与坊间流传的证据相符,即人们常会在既不累也不无聊的情况下打哈欠,只是为即将到来的精神和身体活动做准备。)
  • 8、At last the Rat, with a tremendousyawn, said, "Mole, old chap, I'm ready to drop."(最后,水鼠兰特打了一个大大的呵欠,说:“莫尔,老伙计,我快要倒了。”)
  • 9、She managed to stifle ayawn.(她忍住了呵欠。)
  • 10、He gave an ostentatiousyawn.(他张扬地打了个哈欠。) hao86.com
  • 11、She stifled anotheryawn and tried hard to look interested.(她又忍住了哈欠,竭力显出感兴趣的样子。)
  • 12、Just the thought makes meyawn.(即使只是想想这些就能使我想打哈欠。)
  • 13、We know what you're thinking:yawn.(我们知道你在想什么:想打呵欠吗?)
  • 14、That may be a hint thatyawn evolved as a social cue—"time for us all to go to bed".(也许这是打哈欠进化为社交线索的一种暗示——“到我们大家睡觉的时间了”。)
  • 15、Rosanna stifled a hugeyawn.(罗莎娜强忍住没打哈欠。)
  • 16、Nobody had time toyawn that morning.(那天早上没有人有时间打呵欠。)
  • 17、A smile, frown, raised an eyebrow,yawn, and sneer all convey information.(微笑、皱眉、挑眉、打哈欠和冷笑都传达信息。)
  • 18、At last, with a sigh and ayawn, he gave it up.(最后,他叹了口气,打了个呵欠,就放弃了。)
  • 19、They start toyawn, and we start toyawn.(他们开始打哈欠,我们也开始打哈欠。)
  • 20、A bigger question puzzling scientists is why weyawn at all.(让科学家们感到困惑的一个更大的问题是,我们究竟为什么会打哈欠。)
  • 21、The dog in our yard awakes with ayawn(院里的狗狗打着哈欠醒过来)
  • 22、She stretched her arms out and gave a greatyawn.(她伸开手臂,打了个大呵欠。)
  • 23、Do you know how it is when you see someoneyawn and you startyawning too?(当你看到有人打哈欠时,你也会开始打哈欠,你知道这是怎么回事吗?)
  • 24、Heryawn was a Pavlovian response to myyawn.(她打哈欠是对我打哈欠的条件反射。)
  • 25、In other words, if there are no surprises, it's just ayawn.(换言之,如果没有令人惊讶之处,它只不过是个哈欠。)
  • 26、So, I expected the market toyawn.(因此,我预计市场不会理睬它。)
  • 27、Fact is, we don't know why peopleyawn.(事实上,我们不知道为什么人们会打哈欠。)
  • 28、She makes no attempt to stifle ayawn.(她并未试图忍住一个哈欠。)
  • 29、That is a long time, and he has toyawn himself, he gets so tired.(那是一段很漫长的时间,他不得不打呵欠,他太累了。)



英 [jɔ:n] 美 [jɔn] 
名词: yawner 过去式: yawned 过去分词: yawned 现在分词: yawning 第三人称单数: yawns

