
figure out造句

figure out造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 12:41:17


figure out造句

  • 1、Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, tofigure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed.(还记得我曾让你们找出约翰·雷序言中的,死在产床上的多莉是谁。)
  • 2、I can'tfigure out how to do this.(我弄不懂怎样做这件事。)
  • 3、We're trying tofigure out how culture shapes the way you sleep.(我们试图弄清楚文化是如何影响你的睡眠方式的。)
  • 4、You don't have to work very hard tofigure out what these different facial expressions mean.(你不必努力地学习,去弄清楚这些不同面部表情的含义。)
  • 5、Anyone stuck in a miserable job or anyone trying tofigure out what to do with their life should watch this.(任何一个陷在悲惨的工作中或试图弄清楚该如何生活的人都应该看看这个。)
  • 6、Goethe conducted a number of experiments trying tofigure out which colors corresponded to which emotions.(歌德做了很多实验,试图推断出哪种颜色对应哪种情绪。)
  • 7、It means that a thief likely wouldn't be able to Google how the system works, thenfigure out a way around it.(这意味着小偷可能无法通过Google搜索该系统的工作原理,然后找出解决办法。)
  • 8、The listener must hear the sounds tofigure out what the speaker means.(听众必须听到声音才能明白说话人的意思。)
  • 9、"It is very simple tofigure out," answered the Fox.(“这很好理解。”狐狸回答说。)
  • 10、Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy tofigure out which questions I might have to answer.(因为我坐在35个学生中间,所以很容易就能猜出我可能要回答哪些问题。)
  • 11、It took them about one month tofigure out how to start the equipment.(他们用了大约一个月的时间才弄明白如何启动这台设备。)
  • 12、How does onefigure out who is a weak teacher?(如何判断谁是一个差劲的老师?)
  • 13、No one couldfigure out how he got to be so wealthy.(没人能弄清楚他是怎样变得如此富有的。)
  • 14、Every couple goes through a stage of assessment as youfigure out if you want to be together: Do you want to live together?(每对伴侣都会经历一个评估阶段,当你弄清楚是否想要在一起:你确认想一起生活吗?)
  • 15、Astronomers did eventuallyfigure out what sunspots had to do with magnetic fields.(天文学家最终确实发现了太阳黑子与磁场的关系。)
  • 16、They're trying tofigure out the politics of this whole situation.(他们正试图弄明白整个形势的利害关系。)
  • 17、Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying tofigure out how it happens.(研究眼泪的温妮弗雷德正在试图弄清楚这是如何发生的。)
  • 18、Naomi managed tofigure out 16 of Steve's favourite, and most personal songs.(内奥米设法找出了史蒂夫最喜欢,最个性化的16首歌。)
  • 19、If you ignore 1900, you canfigure out if a given year is a leap year just by looking to see if the rightmost two bits are zero.(如果你忽略1900年,你就可以通过观察最右边的两位是否都为零来判断某一年是否为闰年。)
  • 20、Usually they start by giving a survey tofigure out what style a student favors, like visual or verbal learning.(通常他们会先做一个调查,找出学生喜欢什么样的学习方式,比如视觉学习或语言学习。)
  • 21、But because few couldfigure out what to do with the plastic, much of it wound up buried in landfills.(但是因为很少有人能想出如何处理塑料,大部分塑料最终被掩埋在垃圾填埋场。)
  • 22、We couldfigure out the pronoun problem.(我们可以解决这个代词问题。)
  • 23、What you really need to do is tofigure out the reason why you fail the exam.(你真正应该做的是找出你考试不及格的原因。)
  • 24、The first step in solving this meaning shortage is tofigure out what you really care about, and then do something about it.(解决这个意义缺失(问题)的第一步是找出你真正关心的是什么,然后再做点什么。)
  • 25、The description was pretty vague, so the police couldn'tfigure out the portrait of the criminal.(这个描述太模糊了,警察无法确定罪犯的画像。)
  • 26、And you need tofigure out: which media you should advertise through?(而且你要弄清楚:你应该通过哪种媒介来打广告?)
  • 27、I think we shouldfigure out some ways to stop people from polluting the river and call on them to fight against pollution.(我认为我们应该要想出一些办法来阻止人们污染这条河,并号召人们同污染做斗争。) haO86.com
  • 28、Try tofigure out what feeling underlies your anger.(设法找出什么情绪是你生气的原因。)
  • 29、Researchers have been determined tofigure out how bird flu spreads from human to human worldwide.(研究人员下决心要弄清楚禽流感在全球范围内是如何在人与人之间传播的。)
  • 30、Bob, I really think we should meet tofigure out what to do about replacing Leon.(鲍伯,我真的觉得我们应该碰头商量,想办法换掉里昂。)

figure out基本释义

figure out

英 [ˈfiɡə aut] 美 [ˈfɪɡjɚ aʊt] 
