
更新时间:2024-06-02 12:41:56



  • 1、Hestrapped his arm with a clothstrap.(他用一根布带捆扎手臂。)
  • 2、If funds are limited, choose a watch with astrap over one with a bracelet.(如果资金有限,优先选择配有真皮表带而不是金属表带的手表。)
  • 3、The roughstrap galled the horse's skin.(粗糙的皮带磨伤了马的皮肤。)
  • 4、Or you can buy astrap that attaches the mattresses to each other.(你还可以买个绳子把俩床垫捆一块儿。)
  • 5、He looped thestrap over his shoulder.(他把带子绕了一个圈挎在肩上。)
  • 6、There were no instructions on how to fasten the carryingstrap to the box.(没有如何把背带系在箱子上的说明。)
  • 7、Thestrap needs mending.(这提包带需要修理。)
  • 8、Thestrap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.(皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。)
  • 9、If you want to make it even harder, use a bag with handles rather than astrap.(如果你想让它更困难,使用有把手的包而不是皮带。)
  • 10、Oh, Hold on thestrap, The subway stops suddenly sometimes.(拉住抓环,地铁有时候会突然刹车。)
  • 11、She pulled thestrap of her nightgown onto her shoulder.(她把睡衣的带子拉到她的肩上。)
  • 12、Somestrap pillows to their heads to make it feel more like lying down.(有的宇航员还会把枕头戴在头上,让自己感觉像是躺着睡觉一样。)
  • 13、strap on your dancing shoes and dust off your hula hoop—workouts with a theme will be more popular than ever in 2010.(绑上你的舞鞋,掸掉呼啦圈上的灰尘——在2010年有主题的锻炼将比以往更受欢迎。)
  • 14、Thestrap is too loose. Tighten it up a bit.(带子太松了,再勒一勒。)
  • 15、Nancy gripped thestrap of her beach bag.(南希抓住自己海滩休闲包的带子。)
  • 16、She stared at the floor, idly playing with thestrap of her handbag.(她盯着地板,随手摆弄着手提包的提带。)
  • 17、The waiststrap should also be worn.(腰带也应该佩戴。)
  • 18、The lapstrap should go under your belly, across your hips.(安全腰带应该在腹部下,越过臀部)
  • 19、Just remove the plasticstrap and throw it in the air. [link].(只需解开塑料绳,把它抛向空中,落地即成。)
  • 20、Wrap astrap around sole of the foot and hold with straight arms.(将瑜伽带缠绕在脚掌上,双臂伸直保持。)
  • 21、We used astrap to hold our luggage on top of the car.(我们用一个铁皮条将行李固定在车顶。)
  • 22、He bought a new watch because the old one'sstrap broke.(他买了块新表,因为原来的那块手表的带子断了。)
  • 23、The blade of the oar had entangled itself with thestrap of her bag.(桨叶和她包的带子紧紧缠在了一起。)
  • 24、Constant use had fretted the sandalstrap to the breaking point.(凉鞋由于经常穿,鞋带快磨断了。)
  • 25、Chairless is most certainly not just a nylonstrap.(“椅非椅”也就是一条简单的尼龙带吧?)
  • 26、Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at anklestrap, two petals along vamp, and a round open toe.(设计师克里斯提·布鲁托浅粉花瓣凉鞋是一种脚踝带上有繁复的带扣、鞋面上有两个花瓣、圆头露趾鞋尖的浅粉色凉鞋。)
  • 27、Obey the teacher or get hit with astrap.(要么听老师的话,要么等着挨皮带。)
  • 28、It comes with a leatherstrap and has an electroluminescent backlight.(此款手表的表带是皮革做的,有个LED背光板。)
  • 29、Longstrap purses are coming back.(长带子的钱包又开始流行了。)



英 [stræp] 美 [stræp] 
过去式: strapped 过去分词: strapped 现在分词: strapping 第三人称单数: straps

