
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:40:17



  • 1、Not that they feel it so, but only toabate the edge of envy.(其实他们并非真那样感觉,而只是想减轻别人的嫉妒而已。)
  • 2、She is trying toabate the tension between her parents.(她试着缓和她父母的紧张关系。)
  • 3、If left by itself, the intensity of hurt seems toabate, but like a hidden thorn, it is ready to pop up any time.(如果不管它的话,受伤感的激烈程度似乎在下降,但是就像一个隐藏的荆棘,它随时准备跳出来作怪。)
  • 4、The rain did notabate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game.(下雨并没有消减观众看棒球比赛的热情。)
  • 5、Objective Toabate the cervical spondylosis.(目的:减轻颈椎病症状。)
  • 6、The doctor gave him some medicine toabate the powerful pain.(医生给了他某种药,以减弱那剧烈的疼痛。)
  • 7、It must enlarge the capacity and enhance the efficiency of wagon utilization toabate tense transportation.(要缓解当前运输紧张状况,必须大力挖潜扩能,提高货车运用效率。)
  • 8、Nothing canabate the force of that argument.(什么也不能减弱那场辩论的影响力。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、In moderate DHF cases, all signs and symptomsabate after the fever subsides.(一般性登革出血热病例的所有体征和症状随高热消退而减轻。)
  • 10、WE mustabate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.(我们必须消除大城市里烟尘污染。)
  • 11、Steps are to be taken toabate pollution.(应该采取措施减少污染。)
  • 12、We mustabate the noise pollution in our city.(我们必须消除我们城里的噪音污染。)
  • 13、ConclusionOT can improve the functions of upper limbs and hand andabate complications in stroke patients.(结论作业疗法可以提高偏瘫患者的上肢功能及手的实用性,减少并发症。)
  • 14、The demands of the north will notabate.(北方的需求并没有减轻。)
  • 15、Gastronintestinal digestion functionabate children once again can not excessive edible.(胃肠消化功能减弱的儿童一次不能过量食用。)
  • 16、The storm began toabate slightly.(风暴开始稍有所减弱。)
  • 17、We mustabate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.(我们一定要消除大城市的烟雾公害。)
  • 18、Objective To find the reason of causing nonspecific amplication in nested PCR andabate it.(目的探索巢式PCR非特异性扩增的产生原因及消除方法。)
  • 19、People are campaigning toabate the noise in our cities.(大家正在进行一场减低城市噪音的运动。)
  • 20、Of course, that could change if the financial panic doesn'tabate soon.(当然,如果金融恐慌不能很快平息的话,情况有可能发生变化。)
  • 21、We mustabate the noise in our big cities.(我们必须在我们大城市中消除噪音。)
  • 22、Nothing couldabate his rage.(什么都不能平息他的愤怒。)
  • 23、The move would actualize admired articles and abeyantlyabate China's oil annex.(此举将带来有价值的产品,并可能减少中国对石油的依附。)
  • 24、Toward evening the fire began toabate.(快到傍晚的时候,火势减弱了。)
  • 25、Now I have grown up and I hope that I willabate some burden for my parents, especially the economic burden.(我现在长大了,也希望替父母减轻一些至少是经济上的负担。)
  • 26、He willabate part of the price if you ask him to.(如果你请求,他将减少一部分的价格。)



英 [əˈbeɪt] 美 [əˈbet] 
过去式: abated 过去分词: abated 现在分词: abating 第三人称单数: abates
