


更新时间:2024-06-16 12:39:39



  • 1、carbonated drinks are acidic, and slightly safer.(碳酸饮料是酸性的,就更安全一些。)
  • 2、When you open acarbonated beverage you experience the same phenomenon.(打开一个碳酸饮料时,你会看到同样的现象。)
  • 3、The recycled product is used forcarbonated drinks and dry ice.(循环后的碳被用于碳酸饮料以及制作干冰。)
  • 4、He said Coca-Cola might have used itscarbonated beverage brands to promote Huiyuan or bundle products together for sale.(他说,可口可乐公司有可能利用其碳酸饮料品牌,以促进产品汇源或捆绑在一起出售。)
  • 5、Allcarbonated beverages can be a problem, so the authors recommend abstaining completely to avoid acid reflux.(所有的碳酸饮料都会成为问题,因此笔者在此建议各位还是少喝为妙。)
  • 6、With the advent of PET, water jumped... to the number two spot... behindcarbonated soft drinks.(PET问世以后,它一跃成为第二,仅次于碳酸软饮料。)
  • 7、This implies that shoppers are very interested in juices as a healthy alternative tocarbonated drinks, but are not sure which to buy.(这暗示在碳酸饮料和果汁之间,购物者对后者兴趣颇高,但不能确定购买那一种。)
  • 8、Choose non-carbonated, low-sugar drinks instead of ice water.(但是夏季饮水也要注意,正确的饮水方法是选择低糖、无碳酸气的饮料,适量多次饮用,尽量不要喝冰水。)
  • 9、They have gained ascarbonated soft drink sales have declined.(随着碳酸软饮料销量的下降,他们已经赢得了市场。)
  • 10、Avoidcarbonated drinks and beer. They release carbon dioxide gas.(避免饮用碳酸饮料和啤酒,它们会释放出二氧化碳气体。)
  • 11、Why docarbonated drinks seem to bubble more in plastic cups?(为什么碳酸饮料在塑料杯中气泡较多?)
  • 12、carbonated water is pure water infused with carbon dioxide, which is what creates the bubbles.(碳酸水是注入二氧化碳的纯水,这样就可以产生气泡。)
  • 13、We havecarbonated water with the same size as well.(我们也提供以上容量的碳酸矿泉水。)
  • 14、Many fast food restaurants have soda fountains, which are machines where you can pour yourself a soft (usuallycarbonated) drink.(许多快餐店有压杆式苏打饮料,你可以用那些机器给自己倒一杯软饮料。)
  • 15、Thiscarbonated drink will settle your stomach right down. The alcohol helps reduce the pain as well.(这类碳酸饮料将缓解你的胃痛,酒精也同样有助于减轻疼痛。)
  • 16、Soda and othercarbonated beverages are some of the main causes of acid reflux.(汽水和其它的碳酸饮料是导致反胃的一大原因。)
  • 17、WAITER:carbonated or non-carbonated?(服务员:碳酸的还是非碳酸的?)
  • 18、These companies addedcarbonated water to the syrup and bottled it.(这些公司在饮料里添加苏打水,然后再装瓶。)
  • 19、A sweetened beverage of lime juice and plain orcarbonated water.(以糖、柠檬或酸橙汁和水混合后加酒精制成的饮料。)
  • 20、At this altitude, atmospheric pressure is considerably less than at sea level, so thecarbonated bubbles in beer escape more rapidly.(在这个海拔上,大气压远远低于海平面,所以啤酒里的气泡会被更快地释放出来。)
  • 21、NOTE: Remember thatcarbonated beverages do not meet drinking water requirements.(注意:记住含二氧化碳饮料不符合饮用水要求。)
  • 22、KATE MCKENNA:carbonated.(凯特·麦凯纳:碳酸的。)
  • 23、Both companies also make lemon-lime sodas, orange sodas, and other similarcarbonated and noncarbonated beverages.(两个公司也都生产柠檬酸橙苏打水,橙汁苏打水,和其他相似的碳酸气和非碳酸气饮料。)
  • 24、To emIt'small bubbles of gas, as acarbonated or fermenting liquid.(“冒泡:冒出小气泡,如碳化了的或正在发酵的液体。”。)
  • 25、Tea, coffee andcarbonated drinks, or even fruit juices, are no substitutes for water.(茶、咖啡和碳酸饮料,甚至果汁都不是纯净水的替代品。)
  • 26、It won't be likecarbonated drinks and would be devoid of any toxins.(它不像碳酸饮料,而且不含任何毒素。)
  • 27、Water (orcarbonated water for extra bubbles).(水(或可以制造更多泡泡的碳酸水)。) Hao86.com



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