


  • 1、He must usepatronage to build coalitions and involve himself in negotiations with the opposition.(卢达一定一边通过施惠来建立同盟,一边亲自参与同对手的谈判。)
  • 2、Exam boards navigate between losing the trust of universities and losing thepatronage of schools.(考试委员会因此失去了大学的信任和中学的资助。)
  • 3、Scientists at the time often depended on the royal courts forpatronage. But there was considerable variation in the relationships between the courts and scientists in different countries.(那时候的科学家基本上都依靠皇室提供财力支持。但在不同的国家,皇室和科学家的关系有极大差异。)
  • 4、It's also likely that your web presence is English language only, and you only receivepatronage from English-speaking customers.(也有可能你的网页仅仅是以英语形式出现的,那么你的网站只会受到讲英语的顾客的光顾。)
  • 5、Other tribes, like the Nuer, maintain their ownpatronage networks.(包括Nuer在内的其他部落继续保留他们自己的赞助关系网。)
  • 6、The causes may benefit his beloved rural poor, but thepatronage system perpetuates royal influence.(这些事业或许使他那些生活在农村地区的臣民获益,但是庇护制度也使得皇家影响力得以长久地延续。)
  • 7、Thank you for yourpatronage, and I wish you the best of luck in your efforts to prevent and diagnose bugs in your programs.(非常感谢您阅读这类文章,祝您在防止和诊断程序错误中好运。)
  • 8、A thousand thanks for yourpatronage.(多谢您的大力栽培。)
  • 9、Johnson's rejection of his patron's belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture ofpatronage.(约翰逊拒绝了他的赞助人迟来的帮助,这通常被认为是出版史上的一个关键时刻,标志着赞助文化的终结。)
  • 10、Thepatronage, entwined with the ordinary deference, was not plain to them.(这种恩宠与平常的顺从交织在一起,对他们来说并不寻常。)
  • 11、Solicit a continuance of customer'spatronage.(敬请顾客继续惠顾。)
  • 12、Many ministries are still fiefs ofpatronage.(许多部委仍是封官许愿的采邑。)
  • 13、Indeed, Johnson was in 1762 awarded a pension by the Crown—a subtle form of sponsorship, tantamount to statepatronage.(事实上,1762年,国王授予了约翰逊养老金——一种微妙的赞助形式,相当于国家资助。)
  • 14、This type of dividend is sometimes known as apatronage dividend orpatronage refund.(这种类型的股息有时被称为赞助股息或赞助退款。)
  • 15、He runs a bigpatronage network and never has to worry about re-election.(他运作了一个庞大的资助网络因而从不担心换届选举。)
  • 16、Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increasedpatronage poses dangers for them, too.(虽然这对少数民族企业是有希望的,但增加的赞助也给他们带来了危险。)
  • 17、It is bloated and its officer core is indulged, having been fattened on Mubarak’spatronage.(它机构冗杂,军官要员放任自满,靠穆巴拉克的资助供养已经脑满肠肥。)
  • 18、The restaurant has a largepatronage.(光顾这家餐馆的人很多。)
  • 19、Private firms, however large they are, like Lenovo, depend in many ways on the statepatronage.(私有企业,不管它们有多大,像Lenovo联想,在很多方面也依赖于国家的资助。)
  • 20、Yourpatronage is cordially invited.(如蒙光顾,无任欢迎。)
  • 21、The waypatronage and promotion work within the corporate world may count against women.(企业界任免和晋升的工作方式或许会对女性不利。)
  • 22、However, the magazines also depicted music halls—which competed forpatronage with all theaters—as places where crass entertainment corrupted spectators' taste and morals.(然而,这些杂志也把音乐厅——与所有剧院争夺客源的音乐厅——描绘成了腐蚀观众品位和道德的地方。)
  • 23、How are Botticelli's later pious paintings, bereft of Medicipatronage, to be read?(波提切利后期失去了美第奇家族赞助的虔诚绘画应该怎么解读?)
  • 24、Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused hispatronage because it knew he was addicted.(现在他正在起诉这家赌场,指控它本应该拒绝他的光顾,因为它知道他上瘾了。)
  • 25、There seems to have been somepatronage of Gaelic poetry by the later Pictish kings.(这可能是后来的皮克特国王保护了盖尔语诗歌的缘故。)
  • 26、Whether thepatronage mentality derives from the monarchy or not is something Thais surely have a right to discuss.(不管这种“赞助”来源于君主制还是其他什么,泰国人民拥有理所当然的权利去讨论。)
  • 27、patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals.(对艺术的资助来自企业和个人。) 【好工具hao86.com】



英 [ˈpætrənɪdʒ] 美 [ˈpetrənɪdʒ,ˈpætrə-] 
