
更新时间:2024-06-02 12:40:34



  • 1、Linux containers are really a conceptualartifice built atop several Linux technologies.(Linux容器是根据几种Linux技术构建的概念性工件。)
  • 2、The success of Zhi Yin is not only owing to its management but its narrative mode andartifice.(《知音》的成功,除源于其经营管理之外,还得益于其故事文本的叙事方式和叙事技巧。)
  • 3、We must use all our scientificartifice to protect it.(我们必须使用我们所有的科学手段来保护它。)
  • 4、They escaped byartifice.(他们设巧计而逃。)
  • 5、artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget, why to repeat after the operation proliferous?(手腕真皮组织出现硬块,手术后为什么重复又增生?)
  • 6、Arbus started out in fashion photography in partnership with her husband, Allan Arbus, but by the mid-1950s she had rejected itsartifice.(阿勃丝起初与她的丈夫艾伦•阿勃丝搭档拍摄时装摄影,但到五十年代中期她已经拒绝时装摄影的欺瞒诡计。)
  • 7、The advertising is one of many sales promotionartifice.(作广告是许多促销手段中的一种。)
  • 8、Sonar is the manlyartifice of positioning, navigation and communication for the underwater target.(声纳是对水下目标进行定位、导航和通讯的主要手段。)
  • 9、Weegee's photographs are full of artfulness, andartifice.(维加的照片充满了奇技妙想。)
  • 10、This is "late Shakespeare, " and he relishesartifice and dense poetry.(这是「莎士比亚后期」,此时他钟爱诡计与浓烈的诗。)
  • 11、Pretending to faint was merelyartifice.(假装晕倒只不过是个诡计。)
  • 12、"Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with everyartifice.(“变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。)
  • 13、The scene seemed almost as if contrived with theatricalartifice to produce an effect upon the beholder.(此处的景象好像经过一番戏剧性的设计,要使目击者产生某种感触。)
  • 14、The director, Darren Aronofsky, USES all theartifice in his Arsenal to portray the terrors that beset Nina in her pursuit of perfection.(导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基用尽浑身解数来描述尼娜追求完美的过程中那些困扰她的恐惧。)
  • 15、Pretending to faint was merely (an)artifice.(假装昏迷只不过是个诡计。)
  • 16、As I say, the design of woman involves not justartifice, but a degree of subterfuge.(正如我所说,女性设计涉及的不只是做秀,而是借口程度。)
  • 17、“Theartifice of manufactured cheer (a requirement for soldiers in battle) made the wards even more poignantly desolate, ” Mukherjee writes.(为了防止病人自杀,窗户上都罩着沉重的铁丝网。“这种人为的欢呼手段(对参战士兵的要求)使病房更显辛酸和凄凉”,穆克吉这样写道。)
  • 18、Afew examples where this meaning proves very broad include artifact, artificial,artifice, artillery, medical arts, and military arts.(有几个例子,证明这个意义非常广泛的包括影,人工,手腕,大炮,医疗艺术,军事艺术。)
  • 19、Nature precedes art and humanartifice or human making.(自然先于艺术,人的技巧和人的形成。)
  • 20、Cold - blood vertebrate has formatted multi - cold adaptationartifice in the various habitation environment.(冷血脊椎动物在多种多样栖息环境中形成多种耐寒策略。)
  • 21、And less complicated, for sure; a dog’s devotion is without detectable irony, a lap cat’s purring withoutartifice (if not disapproval).(而且毫无疑问,这种关系更单纯。一条狗的忠诚中不会掺杂着一丝嘲讽;趴在腿上的猫发出的咕噜声里也听不出半点做作(如果不反对)。)
  • 22、Mosaic Park presents a hybrid character that combines architecture with landscape, and nature withartifice.(马赛克公园代表了建筑与景观、自然与人为融合的杂糅特色。)



英 [ˈɑ:tɪfɪs] 美 [ˈɑ:rtɪfɪs] 
