
更新时间:2024-06-09 12:40:31



  • 1、The older women in the town lookedaskance at what the young people were doing.(镇上上了年纪的女人用怀疑的目光看着年轻人所做的一切。)
  • 2、She lookedaskance at black WASP candidates—there was at least one—because, she argued, they would attract far too much prejudice for them to succeed.(岢岚对前来应征黄蜂队员的黑人女性——至少有一个——并不看好,因为她认为,人们对她们的偏见太过严重,这一点就足以让她们以失败告终。)
  • 3、Here originated the Department to serve theaskance world try to lure guests, along with the roaring surge, such as Pentium, Gunma, straight into the heart.(这里是睥睨天下的钱塘潮发源之处,伴随着阵阵轰鸣,涌浪如奔腾的群马,直入人心。)
  • 4、They lookedaskance at us there and talked with their heads close together.(他们那边斜着眼看我们,把脑袋凑在一起嘀咕。)
  • 5、However, such a lover of beauty and reason might lookaskance at much of the content on the Internet.(然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。)
  • 6、Do not lookaskance at me from afar.(不要远远地斜视我。)
  • 7、Carrie looked at himaskance, half - suspicious of an appeal.(嘉莉斜眼看着他,有几分猜到他要有所要求了。)
  • 8、We hardly lookaskance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.(我们几乎不敢斜眼看悲惨地生活的夫妻或者在离婚法庭大叫对方外号的前妻前夫。)
  • 9、She was looked ataskance.(人们都侧目瞧着她。)
  • 10、Most true it is that I have look'd on truthaskance and strangely: but, by all above, These blenches gave my heart another youth, And worse essays proved thee my best of love.(但天呀,这种种离乖给我的心带来了另一个春天,最坏的考验证实了你的真爱。)
  • 11、The kids were eyeing himaskance.(孩子们斜眼看他。)
  • 12、"She look at measkance," Yu said, "In fact, she is afraid I would harm her, when I hurt it?"(“她斜眼看我,”于得明说,“她其实怕我害她,我什么时候害人了?”)
  • 13、Do you play chess? "he asked, lookingaskance at Miguel."(“你会下棋吗?”他斜睨着米格尔问道。)
  • 14、She looked at himaskance and took a forkful of food from his plate.(她斜视着瑞克,从他的餐盘里取了一勺食物。)
  • 15、If the people look at measkance, I can't expect any better.(如果人们用怀疑的眼光看我,我不会有更多的期望了。)
  • 16、They have always lookedaskance at the western notion of democracy.(他们历来都鄙视怀疑西方的民主观念。)
  • 17、Not only neighbors to lookaskance at right, residents also insist that the deadline to move out of volunteers.(不仅邻居们侧目以对,居委会也坚决要求志愿者们限期搬离。)
  • 18、Many Singaporeans are wedded to their jobs and lookaskance at idleness of any kind.(许多新加坡人执著于自己的工作,并以置疑的眼光看待游手好闲。)
  • 19、I'd guess that most westerners under 50 now lookaskance at fathers who don't do childcare.(我认为,多数50岁以下的西方人现在都会蔑视那些不照顾孩子的父亲。)
  • 20、Sargent peeredaskance through his slanted glasses.(萨金特透过歪戴着的眼镜斜睨着他。)
  • 21、They lookaskance at "excessive" job mobility , which breeds insecurity.(过度的工作流动衍生社会不安全,他们对此表示怀疑。)
  • 22、Shenzhen Design Fair pavilions areaskance of the seventh.(深圳设计之都睥第七届文博会展馆。)
  • 23、It was also the age at which people would start to lookaskance at the office.(而且,人到了这个年龄,在职场上也开始不受待见了。)
  • 24、The eldest, baptized Santino but called Sonny by everyone except his father, was looked ataskance by the older Italian men; with admiration by the younger.(老大,洗礼时取名为桑蒂诺,但除他父亲外被每个人叫作桑尼,被年长的意大利男人斜着眼睛看,被年轻人带着钦佩注视。)
  • 25、Call me Tess, 'she would sayaskance; and he did.(“叫我苔丝吧,”她说,斜了他一眼;而他也就照办了。)



英 [əˈskæns] 美 [əˈskæns] 
异体字: askant
