


更新时间:2024-06-02 12:45:53



  • 1、Honestly, the harder classes that I'm in areintermediate microeconomics.(老实说,我现在上的更难的课程是中级微观经济学。)
  • 2、There are three groups of English learners: beginners,intermediate learners, and learners of special English.(英语学习者分为三组:初学者、中级学习者和特殊英语学习者。)
  • 3、There's a lag phase, and there's a slow rise to anintermediate level of antibody concentration.(有一个迟滞期,抗体浓度缓慢上升至中间水平。)
  • 4、Students are categorized as novice,intermediate, or advanced.(学生分为新生、中级生或高级生。)
  • 5、Liquid crystals are considered to beintermediate between liquid and solid.(液晶被认为介于液态和固态之间。)
  • 6、So there's myintermediate state there.(那么这就是我的中间态。)
  • 7、With further melting, refreezing, and increased weight from newer snowfall above, the snow reaches a granular recrystallized stageintermediate between flakes and ice known as firn.(随着进一步的融化、再结冰,以及上方新的降雪增加的重量,这些雪变成再次结晶阶段的颗粒状中间物,介于小薄片与冰块之间,被称作万年雪。)
  • 8、Storeintermediate results.(存储中间结果。)
  • 9、Some of my classmates did this for an easy way to meet theirintermediate course requirement, but I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for.(我的一些同学这样做是为了更轻松地达到他们中级课程的要求,但我这样做是为了更深层次地研究那些我感兴趣的主题。)
  • 10、Missing until recently were fossils clearlyintermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.(直到最近才发现的化石,显然是介于陆地哺乳动物和鲸类之间的过渡物种。)
  • 11、He told me that I needed 8 more courses at theintermediate level or higher in the last 2 years to be OK.(他告诉我,在过去的两年里,我需要再修8门中级或更高级别的课程才行。)
  • 12、Students who have reached anintermediate level benefit from learning general English skills.(达到中级水平的学生受益于通用英语技能的学习。)
  • 13、I could only take intro courses because there were nointermediate level courses available for those particular topics.(我只能选入门课程,因为这些特定主题没有中级课程可选。)
  • 14、The bimolecular proton-bound complex between benzyne and acetyleneintermediate has been proposed.(苯炔和乙炔中间体之间的双分子质子键合复合物已经被提出。)
  • 15、2,3-Dichloro-5-trifluoromethylpridine is a keyintermediate of synthesis pesticides of insecticide chlorfluazuron.(2,3-二氯-5-三氟甲基吡啶是杀虫剂氯氟脲类合成农药的关键中间体。)
  • 16、This plate is growing on both sides, and since there is nointermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart.(这个板块是在两边生长的,由于没有中间的沟槽,两个脊必然是分开的。)
  • 17、Do you make anyintermediate stops between your home and work?(你在住所和工作地点之间停留吗?)
  • 18、We use internalintermediate format.(我们使用内部的中间格式。)
  • 19、My chairperson told me that if I did independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course; they would count asintermediate-level courses.(我们的系主任告诉我,如果除了每门课的指定作业之外,我能够做独立的实地调查,那么完成这些调查就可以算作上了中级水平的课程。)
  • 20、They form anintermediate social level between the individual and larger "secondary" institutions based on impersonal relationships.(它们在个人和基于非个人关系的较大的“二级”机构之间形成了一个中间的社会层次。)
  • 21、Vanillylmandelic acid is a chemicalintermediate(香草扁桃酸是一种化学中间体。)
  • 22、And we'll put anintermediate value.(我们来设置一个中间值。)
  • 23、The other three species differ in the proportion of lower leaves and higher stems that they eat: zebras eat the most stem matter, wildebeests eat the most leaves, and topi areintermediate.(其他三种动物的区别在于它们食用的低处枝叶和高处茎杆的比例不同:斑马吃茎杆最多,角马吃叶子最多,而转角牛羚则介于两者之间。)
  • 24、Although de Ricqlès urged caution, arguing for anintermediate type of dinosaur physiology, a generation of paleontologists has come to believe that dinosaur bone is mammalian like.(尽管deRicqlès极力主张谨慎对待,主张恐龙生理学的一种中间类型,但这一代古生物学家已经开始相信恐龙骨骼与哺乳动物相似。)
  • 25、Define oneintermediate object.(定义一个中间对象。)
  • 26、Traditional water right trading between different users may bring third-party effects as reducing the instream flow of theintermediate stream and downstream.(不同用户之间的传统水权交易可能会带来第三方影响,因为这会减少中间流和下游的入流。) hAo86.com
  • 27、It's a complex system wherein data is copied to multipleintermediate devices, usually to speed up access to files when millions of people are trying to access the service at the same time.(这是一个复杂的系统,数据被复制到多个中间设备,通常是为了在数百万人同时试图访问服务时加快文件访问速度。)
  • 28、They have to assess your level and steer you to the right class, beginner,intermediate.(他们必须评估你的水平然后把你分到正确的班级,如初级班,中级班。)
  • 29、This radical attacks the carbonyl group to anintermediate bicyclic ketyl.(烷基自由基对羰基进行进攻,生成双环的羰自由基中间体。)



英 [ˌɪntəˈmi:diət] 美 [ˌɪntərˈmi:diət] 
副词: intermediately 名词: intermediacy 过去式: intermediated 过去分词: intermediated 现在分词: intermediating 第三人称单数: intermediates


