
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:42:15



  • 1、You did notcrouch or kneel or assume a fetal position.(你没有卑躬屈膝,没有下跪,也没有装出一副蜷缩成一团的样子。)
  • 2、Mario couldcrouch down, tuck his limbs into his shell and slide across the screen.(马里奥从此可以匍匐着把四肢收进壳里,滑行前进。)
  • 3、Do not look to justcrouch before computer, labor intensity is not small, nimble is lucky.(别看只是蹲在电脑前,劳动强度一点不小,得眼明手快运气好。)
  • 4、Theycrouch, back to back, in a sort of hut of fate.(他们彼此背靠着背,蹲在一种黑洞似的命运里。)
  • 5、They are also sweating on the fitness of playmaker Luka Modric and striker Petercrouch.(他们正在争取中场组织者莫德里奇和前锋克劳奇的恢复。)
  • 6、Inside: Stand in a doorway, orcrouch under a desk or table, away from Windows or glass dividers.(若在室内:站在走廊,或蹲到桌下,远离窗户或其他玻璃分隔物。)
  • 7、Stoke City manager Tony Pulis believes striker Petercrouch can still do a job for England.(斯托克城主帅托尼-普利斯认为本队前锋彼得-克劳奇仍旧可以加入英格兰国家队效力阅读全文(3条评论))
  • 8、The strategy was two-fold. First, out-muscle United. Then, channel the attack through Petercrouch, the tall target man.(战术就两点。第一,身体流生吃曼联。其次,进攻中以高中锋皮特·克劳奇为支撑点发动攻势。)
  • 9、Unfortunately for Yossi he was talking about Petercrouch – who will be playing for Portsmouth next season.(很不幸这些话的对象不是约西,而是彼特·克劳奇——这哥们下赛季就为朴茨茅斯效力了。)
  • 10、He chuckled, said, "Very convincing," and then suddenly sank into acrouch, his muscles coiled like a spring.(他咯咯地笑着说,“很有说服力,”然后突然蹲伏下来,他的肌肉就像个收紧的弹簧。)
  • 11、It took him a long time to reach the bottom and tocrouch behind a little dwarf palm.(他费了很长时间才从山上爬下来,蹲到一棵矮小的棕榈树后面。)
  • 12、Petercrouch will be wearing number nine as opposed to Emile Heskey who played a major part in England qualifying for the finals.(皮特·克劳奇将身披九号球衣,而埃米尔·赫斯基在英格兰世界杯预选赛中担任了重要角色。)
  • 13、Youcrouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom.(你蹲伏在消防通道上,汗流浃背,观察着浴室。)
  • 14、Then he sat back in acrouch, legs shaking a little. His eyes, glazed and half-shut, stared blankly at the floor.(然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、Thiscrouch-walking is hell on my back, Boss.(这么蹲着走简直就是我那块老背的地狱啊老板…)
  • 16、Stand in a doorway, orcrouch under a desk or table, away from windows or glass dividers.(站在走廊,或蹲到桌下,远离窗户或其他玻璃分隔物。)
  • 17、It was England footballer Petercrouch who made 'the robot' dance famous - but can he do it in his sleep?(英格兰足球队的球星彼得·克劳奇创造了有名的“机器人”舞蹈,但是他能在睡觉同时跳这个舞吗?)
  • 18、Fixed playercrouch toggle sticking sometimes.(修正玩家克劳奇切换贴有时。)
  • 19、Theycrouch there, too, faltering in terror.(它们也蹲在那里,在恐惧中颤抖着。)
  • 20、She dropped to acrouch.(她俯身蹲了下来。)
  • 21、Forced allcrouching hunters to emit sound, even if they are not holdingcrouch.(强制所有蹲猎人发出声音,即使他们不是抱着克劳奇。)
  • 22、A slight man at 156 pounds (he stands 6 '7 "),crouch nonetheless bullied United's defenders for much of the second half."(一个只有156磅但有6尺7寸高的克劳奇无疑在下半场给了曼联后防太多的威胁。)
  • 23、They did notcrouch under the oppression.(他们受压迫而不屈服。)
  • 24、I know what happens when Rooney plays withcrouch, with Carlton Cole or Heskey. I know that.(我知道当鲁尼和克劳奇、卡尔顿·科尔或海斯基搭档会怎样。)
  • 25、They walked in acrouch, each bent over close to the ground.(他们蹲伏着行走,一个个弯着腰快要贴着地面了。)



英 [kraʊtʃ] 美 [kraʊtʃ] 
过去式: crouched 过去分词: crouched 现在分词: crouching 第三人称单数: crouches

