


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:32:24



  • 1、It can break up deepcongestion and is effective in an emergency.(它可以打破严重的堵塞,在紧急情况下很有效。)
  • 2、Here I'd like to put forward three suggestions to solve the problem of trafficcongestion.(在此我想提出三点建议以解决交通拥堵问题。)
  • 3、We need more realistic solutions to truly tackle trafficcongestion.(我们需要更现实的解决方案来真正解决交通拥堵问题。)
  • 4、Wheezing, nasalcongestion or trouble breathing.(气喘,鼻塞或呼吸困难。)
  • 5、The plan should ease trafficcongestion in the town.(这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。)
  • 6、Trafficcongestion is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing.(交通拥堵的特点是速度较慢,行驶时间较长,车辆排队增加。)
  • 7、It reduces networkcongestion and it's cheaper for carriers.(它减少网络拥堵,对运营商来说也更低价。)
  • 8、congestion makes service less reliable.(拥堵使服务不可靠。)
  • 9、We must protect our parks and gardens and find more viable ways to ease trafficcongestion in our cities.(我们必须保护我们的公园和花园,找到更可行的方法来缓解我们城市的交通堵塞。)
  • 10、Trafficcongestion is really bad at peak periods.(交通拥挤状况在高峰时段真是糟糕透了。)
  • 11、Recovering from stickycongestion is a discipline of its own.(需要从粘湿的堵塞中康复过来,就是对此的惩罚。)
  • 12、To truly tackle the problem of trafficcongestion, we need more realistic solutions.(要真正解决交通拥堵问题,我们需要更现实的解决方案。)
  • 13、I gradually realized I could die fromcongestion and coughing.(我逐渐意识到我可能会死于堵塞和咳嗽。)
  • 14、congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.(交通阻塞经常把车流的速度降低得如步行一般缓慢。)
  • 15、And they are exempt from road tax and London'scongestion charge.(更重要的是电动车可以免除养路税以及伦敦的塞车税。)
  • 16、So what if there iscongestion, or even crashes?(那么如果有堵塞,甚至崩溃怎么办?)
  • 17、The problems of trafficcongestion will not disappear in a hurry.(交通堵塞问题不会很快消失。)
  • 18、But once the novelty wears off, thecongestion should ease.(但一旦新鲜感慢慢褪去,人满为患的状况将得到减轻。) hAo86.com
  • 19、However, public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massivecongestion problems which now make commuting times far higher.(然而,公共基础设施并没有跟上城市扩张的步伐,这造成了大规模的交通拥堵,也大大拉长了通勤时间。)
  • 20、Urbancongestion is a very legitimate problem.(都市的交通拥堵是个非常现实的问题。)
  • 21、When using this approachcongestion control can be implemented manually.(当使用这种方法的时候,拥塞控制可以手动地实现。)
  • 22、What aboutcongestion control?(那么考虑到了拥塞控制吗?)
  • 23、Mass transit reduces trafficcongestion and the pollution it generates.(公共交通减少了交通拥挤和由此产生的污染。)
  • 24、If something blocks the "good" side, such ascongestion from allergies or a cold, then resistance increases dramatically.(如果有什么东西挡住了“好”的一面,比如过敏或感冒引起的充血,那么抵抗力就会急剧增强。)
  • 25、Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou are toying withcongestion charges.(广州、深圳和杭州一直在考虑收取拥堵费。)
  • 26、London traffic remains sticky, despite thecongestion charge.(尽管征收了交通拥护费,伦敦的交通仍然拥挤。)
  • 27、All this wastes fuel and causescongestion and delays.(这些举动都要浪费燃料,并造成拥堵和延误。)
  • 28、The most plausible justification for higher taxes on automobile fuel is that fuel consumption harms the environment and thus adds to the costs of trafficcongestion.(提高汽车燃油税最合理的理由是,燃料消耗会损害环境,从而增加交通拥堵的成本。)



英 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 美 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 
