


更新时间:2024-06-16 12:41:46



  • 1、More probable is bird transport, either externally, byaccidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.(更有可能的是鸟类运输:或者是通过外部途径,即种籽偶然附着在羽毛上;或者是通过内部途径,即鸟类吞食果实并随后将种籽排泄出来。)
  • 2、Anne Tyler: Theaccidental Tourist (1985).(安妮·泰勒:意外的旅客(1985)。)
  • 3、Dorchester County officials apologized for theaccidental mass killing of bees.(多切斯特郡的官员为意外杀死大量蜜蜂表示道歉。)
  • 4、At least 10 000 children are involved inaccidental poisonings every year.(每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。)
  • 5、Theaccidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.(艺术家们,比如法国画家Degas,很快模仿堪的派摄影师们获得这些意外效果。)
  • 6、Child maltreatment involves "accidental or fatal child abuse."(虐待儿童指的是“意外地或致命的虐童事件。”)
  • 7、It could beaccidental.(它可能是个意外。)
  • 8、Nothing in life is reallyaccidental.(生活中没有偶然。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 9、He sped his car off theaccidental site.(他加快车速,驶离了出事地点。)
  • 10、But God knows. Nothing in your life isaccidental.(但要知道上帝是全知的,故你的生命中没有什么是偶然的。)
  • 11、So you could say I was anaccidental spy.(所以你也可以说我是一名意料之外的特工。)
  • 12、She recorded a verdict ofaccidental death.(她作出了意外死亡的判决。)
  • 13、Some of this isaccidental.(其中的一些是偶然的。)
  • 14、It is a case ofaccidental death.(此是一个意外事故死亡案。)
  • 15、The coroner recorded a verdict ofaccidental death.(验尸官判定这是一次意外死亡。)
  • 16、The most probable causes of interruption in the past have beenaccidental damage or breakdown, and these can usually be dealt with expeditiously.(在过去,中断最可能的原因是意外损坏或故障,这些通常可以迅速处理。)
  • 17、Video: Author'saccidental diagnosis(视频:作家的意外诊断结果)
  • 18、I didn't think our meeting wasaccidental—he must have known I would be there.(我认为我们相遇不是偶然的—他肯定知道我要去那里。)
  • 19、Another explanation suggests it may have beenaccidental.(另一种解释是这是一场意外。)
  • 20、The timing is unlikely to beaccidental.(时机不会是巧合。)
  • 21、Again, nothing should lookaccidental.(重复一下,任何事情都不能有意外。)
  • 22、I call thisaccidental complexity.(我将此称为次要(accidental)复杂度。)
  • 23、We insure against all damage,accidental or otherwise.(我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。)
  • 24、Information must be stored so that it is secure fromaccidental deletion.(必须把资料保存起来,这样才不至于无意中删除。)
  • 25、Destroying the remaining stocks of variola is seen by some countries as the final chapter in eradicating the disease to prevent the risk ofaccidental release.(一些国家认为,销毁剩余的天花病毒库存是消除这种疾病以防止意外释放危险的终章。)
  • 26、Three things tend to spawnaccidental complexity.(有三个问题可能会产生偶发复杂度。)
  • 27、In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three-year-old sued in New York foraccidental-death damages and won an award of $750,000.(相比之下,在不到一个世纪后的1979年,一对三岁孩子的父母在纽约起诉意外死亡损害,并赢得了75万美元的赔偿金。)
  • 28、accidental encounter inevitable acquaintance, a smile, sigh.(偶然的相遇,必然的相识,一个微笑,一声叹息。)



英 [ˌæksɪˈdentl] 美 [ˌæksɪˈdɛntl] 
副词: accidentally

adj. 意外的; 偶然的; 附属的

n. 偶然; 不重要的东西; 变调的临时符号