
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:37:11



  • 1、Their work makes a rather startling assertion: thetrait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.(他们的研究提出了一个相当惊人的主张:我们通常称为天赋的特征被严重高估了。)
  • 2、For many years it was assumed that lateralisation was a uniquely humantrait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of lateralisation in all sorts of animals.(多年来,人们一直认为偏侧现象是人类独有的特征,但随着研究人员开始在各种动物身上发现偏侧现象的证据,这一观点很快就站不住脚了。)
  • 3、That was hertrait.(那曾是她的特点。)
  • 4、It was atrait others found helpful, and I soon had friends who wanted to make things with me.(这是一个别人觉得有用的特点,我很快就有朋友想和我一起做东西。)
  • 5、They found negotiators with a goodtrait record and studied them in action.(他们找到了具有良好品行记录的谈判者,并研究了他们的行动。)
  • 6、Their lithenesstrait improves abilities that can stop an enemy from attacking.(他们的柔韧性提高了阻止敌人进攻的能力。)
  • 7、Do you have a choice in showing thistrait?(你有选择来展现这一特质吗?)
  • 8、Agility is not a superficialtrait.(敏捷性并不是个表面的特性。)
  • 9、Thistrait is very important in correctly differentiating checkered beetles from Melyridae.(这一特征对正确区分格纹甲虫和金龟子科非常重要。)
  • 10、It doesn't really seem like learning styles are an inheritedtrait that we all have.(学习风格似乎并不是我们所有人都有的遗传特征。)
  • 11、His mythomania seems to have been a lifelongtrait of his.(他的谎言癖似乎是他一生的特点。)
  • 12、You can see thistrait in many parts of a person's life, not just in extreme sports.(你可以在一个人生活的很多方面看到这种特质,不仅仅是在极限运动中。)
  • 13、We call thistrait sensation-seeking.(我们把这种特质称为寻求刺激。)
  • 14、What do you think is your strongesttrait that helped you get into this university?(你觉得帮你进入了这所大学的最强的特点是什么?) (好工具
  • 15、How often do you show thistrait?(你多久会展现出这种特质一次?)
  • 16、Paranoia is a healthy humantrait.(偏执是一个健康人类的特质。)
  • 17、For everytrait, you can interpret it in a positive and a negative manner.(对于每一个特点,你都能用积极和消极的方式来解释它。)
  • 18、If she can't curb thistrait and you don't want the friendship to end, limit how long you let her go on about herself; then give yourself equal air time.(如果她不能抑制这种性格,而你不也想终结这种友谊,就限制她谈论自己的时间;然后,给自己同样长的时间发表意见。)
  • 19、Willpower isn't some immutabletrait we're either born with or not.(意志力不是我们与生俱来且不可改变的特质。)
  • 20、Introverts living under the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man's world, discounted because of atrait that goes to the core of who they are.(生活在外向理想中的内向者就像生活在男性世界中的女性一样,因为一种深入到他们本质的特质而被低估。)
  • 21、Once you get an idea for a business, what's the most importanttrait you need as an entrepreneur?(一旦你有了一个创业想法,什么才是你作为一个企业家需要的最重要的特点呢?)
  • 22、Whales and dolphins have been found with hind limbs; this rare occurrence is due to the reemergence of atrait they inherited from their terrestrial ancestors.(发现鲸和海豚身上有后肢;这种稀有的现象是由于它们在陆地上的祖先身上的特征再次被遗传。)
  • 23、This is also public stereotypes of blacks, the proportion of white respondents endorsing eachtrait.(这也是对于黑人的公众刻板印象,认可每条特征的白人调查对象的比例。)
  • 24、While taller wheat competed better for sunlight, they had a tendency to collapse under the weight of extra grain—atrait called lodging.(虽然较高的小麦能更好地争夺阳光,但它们在额外谷粒的重压下会有倒塌的倾向——这种特性被称为倒伏。)
  • 25、Introversion is now a second-class personalitytrait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology.(内向如今是第二等人格特征,介于失望和病态之间。)
  • 26、One commontrait among risk-takers is that they enjoy strong feelings or sensations.(冒险者的一个共同特点是他们喜欢强烈的感觉或感官刺激。)
  • 27、Aggression is by no means a male-onlytrait.(攻击性决不是男性独有的特征。)
  • 28、In broad terms, the heritability of atrait measures the extent to which differences among members of a population can be explained by differences in their genetics.(广义上讲,性状遗传性衡量的是群体成员间的差异在多大程度上可以用基因差异解释。)
  • 29、Honesty proves to be a very importanttrait of a person.(诚实是人非常重要的品质。)
  • 30、Over the long term, picking up a new charactertrait may help you move toward being the person you want to be.(从长远来看,养成一种新的性格特征可能会帮助你成为你想成为的人。)



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