


更新时间:2024-06-09 12:49:22



  • 1、Recently planetary scientists have suggested that the external preconditions for the development of Earth's biosphere probably included fourparamount contingencies.(最近,行星科学家提出,地球生物圈发展的外部先决条件可能包括四个最重要的偶发事件。)
  • 2、Loyalty is a dutyparamount to all others.(忠诚比别的义务都重要。)
  • 3、He is committed by his biology not to conform, and herein lies theparamount reason for the awful tension he experiences today in relation to society.(他的生物学使他不能服从,这就是他今天所经历的与社会可怕的紧张关系的最重要的原因。)
  • 4、So safety became aparamount issue.(所以安全是最重要的问题。)
  • 5、In this world, wisdom seemedparamount.(在古代世界,智慧貌似至高无上。)
  • 6、MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions whileparamount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros, developed a reputation for gritty social realism.(MGM倾向于推出大量全明星的作品,而派拉蒙擅长喜剧,华纳兄弟则建立了坚韧不拔的社会现实主义的名声。)
  • 7、As always in these activities, consent isparamount.(在这些活动中,双方的同意是最最重要的。)
  • 8、MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions whileparamount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros.(米高梅倾向于推出许多全明星电影,而派拉蒙则擅长推出喜剧和华纳兄弟的电影。)
  • 9、The King claimed this treasure as lordparamount.(国王称这些宝藏是至高无上的。)
  • 10、So knowing when to sell is ofparamount importance.(因此,知道何时卖出头等重要。)
  • 11、As they began to settle, grow plants and herd animals, the need for a sophisticated number system becameparamount.(当他们开始定居、种植作物和饲养动物时,他们对复杂数字系统的需求变大。)
  • 12、Effective governance is seen asparamount across the region.(有效的治理被视为整个地区的头等大事。)
  • 13、This duty isparamount to all the others.(该义务是至高无上的。)
  • 14、The Hollywood rumour mill is already buzzing about a marriage betweenparamount Studios and Caps Cities.(好莱坞的造谣者们已经在嚷嚷着关于派拉蒙工作室和帽子城市合并的事了。)
  • 15、She wrote toparamount Studios and asked if they would audition her.(她写了信给派拉蒙电影公司,问他们是否能让她试镜。)
  • 16、The importance of feedback in Agile development isparamount.(反馈在敏捷开发中的重要性是首屈一指的。)
  • 17、Efficiency within their discipline isparamount.(他们的规程中的效率是极为重要的。)
  • 18、Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be ofparamount importance.(他们的家长们可以尽管放心,他们孩子们的安全将是最为重要的。)
  • 19、For them, security and stability wereparamount.(对他们来说,第一位的是稳定和安全。)
  • 20、Ofparamount concern is the growth in long-term unemployment.(长期失业人口的不断增加是最为关键的参考要素。)
  • 21、Safety isparamount.(安全至上。)
  • 22、Credit rating isparamount.(信用为王。)
  • 23、Customer service wasparamount.(客户服务是至关重要的一环。)
  • 24、The children's welfare must be seen asparamount.(孩子们的福利必须被视为是最为重要的。)
  • 25、Thorough test coverage of the mapping is ofparamount importance.(对映射的全面测试覆盖极为重要。)
  • 26、For Edison as an inventor, novelty was alwaysparamount: the overriding goal of the business of innovation was simply to generate funding for new inventions.(对于爱迪生来说,作为一个发明家,新颖性总是至高无上的:创新事业的首要目标就是为新发明创造资金。)
  • 27、This matter is ofparamount importance.(此事至关重要。)
  • 28、When introducing a new technology, communication isparamount.(引入新技术时,沟通是至高无上的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 29、Customer need has now becomeparamount.(如今顾客需求最大。)



英 [ˈpærəmaʊnt] 美 [ˈpærəˌmaʊnt] 
副词: paramountly 名词: paramountcy


