
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:36:06



  • 1、Thismajestic city of Prague is in many ways a monument to human progress.(布拉格这座辉煌壮丽的城市在许多方面堪称人类进步的丰碑。)
  • 2、It all seemed mostmajestic and mysterious when they sat down in their circle.(当他们围成一圈坐下来的时候,一切都显得无比庄严和神秘。)
  • 3、The wealthy even have the luxury of residing in somemajestic ones.(也有超级大富豪们享受着居住在宏伟庄严城堡之中的奢华。)
  • 4、Your right hand, o Lord, wasmajestic in power. Your right hand, o Lord, shattered the enemy.(耶和华啊,你的右手施展能力,显出荣耀;耶和华啊,你的右手摔碎仇敌。)
  • 5、He had seen me several times and had intended to call on me long before but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it—signed Jay Gatsby in amajestic hand.(他见过我几次,早就打算来看我了,但是由于种种特殊的情况,他没有来——他威严地签下名字:杰伊·盖茨比。) (好工具
  • 6、It may have been shorn of its customary snow-capped splendour, but it was still amajestic sight.(此时的景象和人们所习惯的白雪覆盖山顶的壮丽形象虽然有所不同,但仍不失巍峨庄严。)
  • 7、We looked out across the river, to themajestic Amu.(我们远眺向河,宏伟的阿姆河。)
  • 8、Whither go thesemajestic irradiations of the soul?(灵魂的那种庄严光辉放射到什么地方去呢?)
  • 9、They felt no longing for the little village sleeping in the distance beyond themajestic waste of water.(他们一点也不留恋那个远在宽阔的河流对面的小村庄。)
  • 10、At the very center was a hill and on top of the hill themajestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the holy emerald city.(其最中心点是座小山丘,在山顶上是雄伟壮观的波塞冬神庙,在神圣的翡翠城的任何地方都能看到它。)
  • 11、Spectacular: Mail on Sunday readers have the chance to fly alongside themajestic Vulcan(壮观:星期日邮报的读者将有机会同雄伟的火神一起飞行.)
  • 12、I've seen the ospreys at Loch Garten, near Aviemore, and thesemajestic birds have been back at their nesting site for a couple of weeks now.(我在阿维莫尔附近的加滕湖看到过鱼鹰,这些雄伟的鸟已经回到它们的筑巢地几周了。)
  • 13、I previously lived in Colorado, a land with red dirt,majestic mountains and golden plains.(我之前在科罗拉多州住过,那里有红色的土地、雄伟的高山和金色的平原。)
  • 14、She was on the varsity soccer team, and her beauty wasmajestic.(这个女孩是大学足球代表队的一员,她有着那种庄严的美。)
  • 15、The other was amajestic structure in which practically every item within was covered in gold.(另一个则结构宏伟,里面的每一样东西几乎都涂了一层金。)
  • 16、majestic, aquatic human beings with lungs the size of oranges.(那些仪表威严、如鱼得水的人们,长着如桔子般大小的肺。)
  • 17、The other pirates envied him thismajestic vice, and secretly resolved to acquire it shortly.(其他的海盗羡慕他这副威风凛然的样子,暗下决心不久就把它学会。)
  • 18、The sky was sullen, two parts copper to one of lead, but the scenerymajestic.(天空阴沉,一片铅灰色,但是景色壮观。)
  • 19、This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see thismajestic country.(这是我首次访问中国,看到你们壮丽的国家,我感到很兴奋。)
  • 20、Hotelmajestic is located near Casa Batllo.(雄伟的酒店位于巴特洛别墅附近。)
  • 21、Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms andmajestic lifestyle?(这是否意味着所有穿着华丽制服、生活方式高贵的欧洲皇室成员都将面临厄运?)
  • 22、Glorious andmajestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.(他所行的是尊荣和威严。他的公义存到永远。)
  • 23、Thismajestic apartment on P.C.Hoofstraat in Amsterdam was radically renovated.(这间位于阿姆斯特丹名牌街的公寓阁楼被彻底的翻新了。)
  • 24、Perhaps they were prisoners of thosemajestic brains.(也许他们都是巨型大脑的囚犯。)
  • 25、The setting, at the foot of the Alps, ismajestic.(阿尔卑斯山脚的环境雄伟壮丽。)
  • 26、The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord ismajestic.(耶和华的声音大有能力。耶和华的声音满有威严。)
  • 27、There seems to be somemajestic primeval connection between a man and a mountain.(在男人与山之间似乎存在某种宏大的原始联系。)



英 [məˈdʒestɪk] 美 [məˈdʒɛstɪk] 
副词: majestically 异体字: majestical
