
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:35:18



  • 1、Custer was anidiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.(卡斯特是个愚蠢而粗暴的人,他应该有这样的下场。)
  • 2、Smith: I keep hearing the word "idiot". I hope you are not referring to me.(史密斯:我总是听到“傻瓜”这个词,希望你不是在说我。)
  • 3、Manon's husband is soon struck by Sarah, and the proof lies in theiridiot small son, Walter.(玛侬的丈夫很快就被莎拉击中了,证据就在他们的白痴儿子沃尔特身上。)
  • 4、He looks a realidiot.(他看上去像个十足的白痴。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、"You must think I'm a realidiot."(“你一定认为我是个十足的傻瓜。”)
  • 6、My point here is not to say, oh, youidiot, Plato, why didn't you think of radio waves?(我这里不是想说,你真傻,柏拉图,你为什么没想到无线电波呢?)
  • 7、Standing there on stage I felt a completeidiot.(我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。)
  • 8、There was silence for a moment, then Larry began chortling like anidiot.(一片寂静之后,拉里开始像个白痴一样哈哈大笑。)
  • 9、"idiot!" shouted Maria again.(‘笨蛋!’玛丽亚又喊道。)
  • 10、I don't know a word of Russian, and so I actually try to avoid using the rather well-known Russian equivalents for these terms because I feel like anidiot.(我一个俄语单词都不懂,所以我尽量避免用那些相当有名的俄语对等词来表示这些术语,因为我觉得自己像个白痴。)
  • 11、He was a blitheringidiot.(他是个十足的傻瓜。)
  • 12、What anidiot! Where's he now?(维克:真是个大笨蛋!他现在在哪里?)
  • 13、Not that switch, youidiot!(不是那个开关,你这个蠢货!)
  • 14、He does not mourn the demise of that world liberated from court etiquette, he says, he can call someone an "idiot" if he wants, instead of "Your Excellency".(他说,他不会为这个从宫廷礼仪中解放出来的世界的消亡而哀悼,如果他愿意,他可以称某人为“白痴”,而不是“阁下”。)
  • 15、I felt like a completeidiot.(我感到完全像个傻瓜。)
  • 16、A "loud sigh" means she thinks you are anidiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you over "Nothing".(一声“大声叹息”意味着她认为那一刻的你是一个白痴,而且不明白自己为什么浪费了这么多时间站在这里来跟你争论“无关紧要的事”。)
  • 17、Reader, suppose you were anidiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.(读者,假设你是一个白痴。再假设你是一名国会成员。不过我的话说重复了。)
  • 18、When I lost my passport, I felt such anidiot.(我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。)
  • 19、You flamingidiot!(你这个讨厌的笨蛋!)
  • 20、I felt a rightidiot.(我觉得自己就像个十足的白痴。)
  • 21、Or will he try to cockblock you, just stand there like anidiot or make a fool of himself and you?(或者他会不会妨碍你,像傻瓜一样的只站在那儿,让他自己和你看上去像个傻瓜?)
  • 22、I realized I was babbling like anidiot.(我意识到我像个傻瓜一样在胡言乱语。)
  • 23、Get out. Haven't you screwed things up enough already, youidiot!(出去。难道你把事情弄得还不够糟吗?你这个白痴!)
  • 24、Thatidiot wrote some garbage about Hugary seeking its place under the sun.(那个白痴写了一些关于于加里在阳光下寻找自己位置的垃圾。)
  • 25、I felt a completeidiot.(我觉得自己是个十足的笨蛋。)
  • 26、I knew I'd been anidiot to stay there.(我知道我呆在那儿很傻。)
  • 27、He snubbed her in public and made her feel anidiot.(他在公共场合故意冷落她,让她觉得自己像是一个白痴。)
  • 28、If they areidiots, who is the originalidiot that aggregated theidiots?(如果他们是笨蛋,那谁是最初把所有笨蛋都聚集起来的笨蛋呢?)
  • 29、He drove like anidiot, passing in the craziest places.(他像白痴一样净把车往最不可思议的地方开。)



英 [ˈɪdiət] 美 [ˈɪdiət] 
