
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:35:27



  • 1、The damage to the car wasminimal.(汽车受到的损坏很小。)
  • 2、She rejected the technical virtuosity of movement in ballet, the most prestigious form of theatrical dance at that time, perhaps because her formal dance training wasminimal.(她拒绝采用当时最负盛名的戏剧舞蹈芭蕾的动作技巧,也许因为她接受过的正规舞蹈训练很少。)
  • 3、Because of this increased concentration, regrowth of plants isminimal, leading to increased erosion, which leads to a decrease in the fertile topsoil, leading to even less regrowth.(由于浓度的增加,植物的再生长很少,导致侵蚀增加,使得肥沃的表层土壤减少,再生长更少。)
  • 4、The likelihood of infection isminimal.(传染的可能性微乎其微。)
  • 5、The deployment plan editor isminimal.(部署计划编辑器仅是最低要求。)
  • 6、My influence with them isminimal.(我对他们的影响微乎其微。)
  • 7、But the overall effect wasminimal.(总的来说,整体效果有限。)
  • 8、Can be changed withminimal effort.(能以最小的代价满足变化。)
  • 9、While the local orientation means that competition with other airports is likely to beminimal, competition with local providers of meetings facilities is likely to be much greater.(虽然本地定位意味着与其他机场的竞争可能很小,但与本地会议设施供应商的竞争可能要大得多。)
  • 10、Aminimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.(失之毫厘,谬以千里。)
  • 11、The marketing is tempting: Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies withminimal effort by adding protein powder to your morning shake or juice drink.(市场营销是诱人的:在早晨的奶昔或果汁饮料中加入蛋白质粉,用最少的努力就能让你拥有更强壮的肌肉和更健康的身体。)
  • 12、The work was carried out atminimal cost.(这项工作是以最少的开销完成的。)
  • 13、There's only aminimal amount of risk involved.(所冒的风险极小。)
  • 14、The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration isminimal.(讽刺的是,在所有这些过于激烈的争论背后,移民的净效应是微乎其微的。)
  • 15、It hadminimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized.(它对生物多样性的影响微乎其微,而且它造成的任何污染通常都是局部的。)
  • 16、There's just not a substantial amount of it there, like there is with nitrogen, it's a veryminimal quantity.(在那里它没有很大的量,就像氮一样,它的含量非常少。)
  • 17、Listing 10 shows thisminimal code.(清单10展示了这段代码。)
  • 18、This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairlyminimal patient contact.(这种类型的机器人很可能是首批在医院使用的机器人之一,因为它与病人的接触相当少。)
  • 19、Dog-fighting victims are tortured and killed for profit and "sport", yet their criminal abusers often receive aminimal sentence for causing a lifetime of pain.(斗狗的受害者为了利益和“运动”而被折磨和杀害,然而他们的施虐者虽然给受害者造成了终生的痛苦,却只获得了最轻的判决。)
  • 20、The cooperation between the two isminimal.(两者之间的合作是最低程度的。)
  • 21、Unemployment is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support isminimal and extraordinarily hard to get.(失业是件让人在财务上恐惧,在心理上尴尬的事情,同时你知道失业补助是非常少而且极度难拿到的。)
  • 22、One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of time withminimal maintenance and intervention.(陷阱的一个优点是可以在一段时间内用最少的维护和干预进行收集。)
  • 23、Security devices are required to list the frequencies they broadcast on—that means that a potential thief can find what they need to know withminimal Googling.(安全设备被要求列出他们广播的频率——这意味着一个打算偷盗的小偷只要谷歌一丁点东西,就可以找到他们需要知道的东西。)
  • 24、We rebel when the risk isminimal.(当这种可信度最小时,我们就要反抗。)
  • 25、She gained onlyminimal recognition for her work.(她的工作仅仅得到极少的赞誉。)
  • 26、The money he'd been ordered to pay wasminimal in relation to his salary.(他被要求支付的钱与他的薪水相比是少的。)
  • 27、Thisminimal contact could be enough for males from another group to the new melody.(这微小的联系可能已经足够让别的种群的雄性收到群新旋律了。)
  • 28、Shareholders moan that banks levy fat fees to underwrite rights issues even though the risk of a deal falling isminimal.(股东们抱怨即使发行新股失败的风险很小,投行在认股权发行的过程中会强制收取高额手续费。)
  • 29、So now the signals can be efficiently transferred into the water withminimal reflection.(所以现在信号可以有效地传输到水中,只有最小量的反射。)



英 [ˈmɪnɪməl] 美 [ˈmɪnəməl] 
副词: minimally 名词: minimality
