
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:41:15



  • 1、If the wisest man is tooshowy of his knowledge and intelligence, he is possible to be hurt by them.(这样看来人的知识、智能是有它局限性的,就是神通也有其不足的地方。)
  • 2、The island, the smallest of the Canadian provinces, is home to a variety ofshowy fall species.(这个岛屿是加拿大最小的省份,是各式各样艳丽的秋季树种的家园。)
  • 3、In full bloom, plum trees are covered with densely packed,showy flower clusters.(花朵盛开时,李树被艳丽的团团花簇所覆盖。)
  • 4、Handsome shrub withshowy orange to scarlet or crimson flowers; Florida and West Indies to Mexico and Brazil.(一种美丽的灌木,开艳丽的桔色至绯红色或深红色的花;产自从佛罗里达和西印度到墨西哥和巴西的地区。)
  • 5、Since he was colour blind, he favoured large,showy flowers.(因为他是色盲,所以他喜爱大而艳丽的花。)
  • 6、Nothing too fancy orshowy, of course, and also nothing too clearly marked with real-world signs of status or its absence.(当然,不是很花俏和艳丽,同时也没有现实中符号、建筑或者不存在的东西。)
  • 7、It's rathershowy. Perhaps you have something plainer.(太艳了。也许有素一些的。)
  • 8、The Expo has manyshowy buildings, but it doesn't seem like any of them will become classics.(现在世博会有许多炫耀的建筑物,但很难讲有几栋能成为经典作品。)
  • 9、Aggressive, % glib, orshowy talk should be completely avoided. It just lowers you in the esteem of your acquaintances.(应该完全避免攻击性的、伶牙俐齿的、华而不实的谈话,这只会使认识你的人越加瞧不起你。)
  • 10、They had come out of the lobby and made their way through theshowy crush about the entrance way.(他们已经出了休息室,穿过戏院门口那些盛装华服的人群出来。)
  • 11、He appeases her by taking her out to ashowy dinner every month or so - but otherwise he spends as little time as he can.(而她的丈夫为了安抚她,隔上个把月就带她去出去吃一顿美餐——但在其他时间则尽量少与她在一起。)
  • 12、With big,showy behavior, it's a lot easier for them to discount the issue versus if you brought it up in a serious tone.(用一种大幅度的、华而不实的行为,更容易让他们对这个问题打个折扣,反之,用一种严肃的语气可以让他们严肃对待。)
  • 13、Bride dress notshowy, upstage the bride, but can not be too casual.(打扮不能比新娘艳丽,抢了新娘的风头,但是也不能太过于随便。)
  • 14、And Mr Monti could prove a good foil for the slick,showy tycoon.(而蒙蒂可以证明自己是这位华而不实,极尽炫耀的商业大亨很好的反衬。)
  • 15、The Dog is notshowy, and sometimes can be shy at social gatherings.(属狗人不太爱卖弄,有时在社交聚会场所会很害羞。)
  • 16、B: Yes. It's a bitshowy.(是的,这件有点太显眼。)
  • 17、Two years later 128 former diplomats rebelled by honouring a deceased colleague with ashowy newspaper notice.(2年后,128名外交官在报纸的显要位置为一位离世的同事登载仆闻,表达反抗。)
  • 18、Villains are frequentlyshowy arrivistes.(坏人通常是喜欢炫耀的暴发户。)
  • 19、The huge,showy booster rockets fallen away, it was just a little glider or an aeroplane.(巨大显眼的助推火箭脱离后,它看上去只是架小型滑翔机或飞机。)
  • 20、He is not ashowy experimentalist, but neither does he stick to traditional beginning-middle-end stories.(他并非是个标新立异的实验主义者,但也不会坚持传统的平铺直叙式的故事。)
  • 21、A group of colorful wild animals will spring to mind: a parrot's rainbow feathers or theshowy scales of sea fish.(你会想到一群色彩斑斓的野生动物:鹦鹉的彩虹羽毛或海鱼的艳丽鳞片。)
  • 22、She could find heart only to look at the pictures which wereshowy and then walk out.(她心里只想看看神气活现的照片,然后就退出去。)
  • 23、A peony is ashowy flower.(牡丹是艳丽的花。)
  • 24、The price is all right,but it's a bitshowy,isn't it?(价格还可以,可是有点花哨了,对不对?)
  • 25、It is an extremelyshowy beauty with its pure white, charming flowers and amazing scent that pervades the air especially after dusk.(它美丽抢眼,开纯白色迷人的花,把神奇的花香散入空气中,尤以入夜为最。)
  • 26、After that bruising first season, McCartney returned to a lessshowy, more subtle aesthetic.(在经历了痛苦的第一季度之后,麦卡特尼又回到了没那么华丽,追求低调美的风格中来。)
  • 27、Peahens, though not asshowy as cocks, are by no means dowdy.(原译文:虽然不像公鸡那样耀眼,但雌孔雀也绝不俗气。)



英 [ˈʃəʊi] 美 [ˈʃoʊi] 
副词: showily 比较级: showier 最高级: showiest 名词: showiness
