
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:40:33



  • 1、Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continentalglacial deposits did.(相比于大陆冰川沉积物,海洋沉积物提供了更完整的更新世时期的地质记录。)
  • 2、The water was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known asglacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.(水里总是遍布鹅卵石、砾石和沙子——它们被称为冰水沉积,是在水流减缓时沉积下来的。)
  • 3、Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores—vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from theglacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.(近代的探险队已经从绿色冰山和冰核中带回了一些冰块样本,这些样本呈垂直的圆柱状,是沿着南极洲大陆的冰川冰架从极深的位置中取出的。)
  • 4、Recent studies do in fact show that high carbon dioxide levels are associated with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with coldglacial periods.(最近的研究确实表明,高二氧化碳水平与温暖的间冰期有关,而低二氧化碳水平与寒冷的冰期有关。)
  • 5、To locate the optimal drill site, the team had to conduct the first detailed characterisation of the physiography of a sub-glacial lake.(为了确定最佳的钻探点,研究小组首先要确定详细的冰河湖的地貌。)
  • 6、When snowfalls on high mountains or in polar regions, it may become part of theglacial system.(当雪落在高山或极地地区时,它可能成为冰川系统的一部分。)
  • 7、Change occurs at aglacial pace.(变化来得极为缓慢。)
  • 8、The good news is that Congress moves at aglacial pace.(好消息就是国会也在行动。)
  • 9、It was formed as a limestone cave during theglacial period.(它是于冰河时期形成的石灰岩洞。)
  • 10、Researchers call it theglacial buzz-saw.(研究人员称其为“冰锯”。)
  • 11、The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to formglacial ice.(随着大量的水通过蒸发被抽离,并以雪的形式沉淀形成冰川冰,海洋中氧同位素的比率就发生了变化。)
  • 12、Over the past two million years, colderglacial periods have alternated with warmer interglacial periods.(在过去的200万年里,寒冷的冰期与较暖和的间冰期交替出现。)
  • 13、Between the older layers ofglacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climate plants.(较古老的冰川物质层之间是发育良好的土壤,它含有(生活在)温暖气候中的植物的化石。)
  • 14、Theglacial system is governed by two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature.(冰川系统由两个基本的气候变量控制:降水和温度。)
  • 15、A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the pressure of snow accumulated over the years to transform buried snow intoglacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow.(剩余的积雪能够让雪集成堆,且由于多年的积雪形成的压力,剩余的积雪能够让掩埋的雪变成冰川冰,这些冰川冰的厚度足以使冰块流动。)
  • 16、As geologists mappedglacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages.(19世纪晚期,在地质学家对这些冰川沉积进行定位的时候,他们意识到有好几个漂流层,位置较低的对应的是更早的冰川期。)
  • 17、The methane concentration nearly doubled, for example, between the peak of the penultimateglacial period and the following interglacial period.(例如,在倒数第二个冰期的高峰和接下来的间冰期之间,甲烷浓度几乎增加了一倍。)
  • 18、In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs ofglacial erosion and sedimentation.(在这些不同的地区,Agassiz都能发现冰川侵蚀和沉降的痕迹。)
  • 19、Relations between the two countries had always beenglacial.(这两国间的关系一直不好。)
  • 20、Interglacial periods are, typically periods of time between Ice Ages, when the climate warms, and theglacial ice retreats for a time, before things cool off again and another Ice Age begins.(间冰期通常是在冰期之间的一段时间,这时气候变暖,冰川的冰会暂时消退,直到气候再次变冷,下一个冰期开始。)
  • 21、But I can seeglacial ice.(但是我看到了冰河的冰。)
  • 22、That rate of heating is far greater than during the lastglacial retreat some 12,000 years ago.(这一升温速度远高于约1.2万年前的最后一次冰川消退。)
  • 23、Her expression wasglacial.(她表情冷淡。)
  • 24、It soon became clear that there were multipleglacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacial intervals between them.(很快我们了解到,在更新世存在多个冰川期,其间还包括多个温暖的间冰期。)
  • 25、With additional time, pressure, and refrozen meltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlocked crystals of blueglacial ice.(随着时间的推移,压力的增加,再加上从上方重新冻结的融水,小冰原颗粒成为相互锁结的大晶体蓝色冰川冰。)
  • 26、High carbon dioxide levels are associated with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with coldglacial periods.(高二氧化碳含量与温暖的间冰期有关,低二氧化碳含量与寒冷的冰期有关。)
  • 27、Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure anotherglacial effect.(对贝壳的同位素分析使得地质学家可以测量另一种冰川效应。)



英 [ˈgleɪʃl] 美 [ˈɡleʃəl] 
副词: glacially
