
更新时间:2024-06-02 12:52:46



  • 1、If you neglect them, the bleating ingrates mayglower at you or even have the nerve to die off!(如果你忽视它们的叫声,忘恩负义,它甚至会怒目而视的死亡!)
  • 2、Narcissa murmured a word of thanks, whilst Bellatrix said nothing, but continued toglower at Snape.(纳西莎嘟哝了一句“谢谢”,贝拉特里克斯什么也没说,继续狠狠地瞪着斯内普。)
  • 3、So is a fierce, hostileglower or a series of frightened, bewildered glances.(恶狠狠地瞪着眼睛或一连串受惊吓的、迷惑的瞟视也是如此。)
  • 4、Edison tests many times to find aglower for using the lamp.(爱迪生试用电灯为了找到一种合适的灯丝,他不知做了多少次实验。)
  • 5、Please, young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin,glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face.(年轻女性们,求你们了,微笑、傻笑、假笑或露齿而笑,怒视或瞪视,或者如果你愿意,漫无目的地闲逛都行,看在上帝的份上,别摆那张鸭子脸了。)
  • 6、They'd departed Houston, Texas, hours ago and she'd yet to release theglower from her face.(几个小时之前,他们就离开了得克萨斯州的休斯顿,但她依然需要时间缓解她脸上的愤怒之情。)
  • 7、According to his constantly work, he finds cheap and usefulglower finally. Theglower are made into lamp.(他这样不懈的努力,终于找到了价钱便宜,使用时间长的灯丝,制成了可以供大家使用的电灯。)
  • 8、The members of Club Med no longer need toglower across the table at each other.(联盟成员国不再需要像以前那样在谈判桌上怒目而视。)
  • 9、Lifelikely frighten a person, absolutely elephant really have an individual toglower is having eyes fixeding on you to see similar!(逼真的吓人,简直就象真有个人瞪着眼在盯住你看一样!)
  • 10、Smiling men do not appear to be as strong, powerful or masculine as those whoglower or who seem arrogant.(她们觉得拥有迷人微笑的男人似乎不是很强壮,因此倾向于狂妄、傲慢的男人。)



英 [ˈglaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈɡlaʊɚ] 
副词: gloweringly 过去式: glowered 过去分词: glowered 现在分词: glowering 第三人称单数: glowers

