


更新时间:2024-06-16 12:53:52



  • 1、Something undreamt of was lurking everywhere and theuppermost question every day was: when, Oh! When would we come across it?(我感到每一个地方都隐藏着这种神秘。每天,我心里产生的最大问题是:什么时候,啊!)
  • 2、Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love theuppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.(你们法利赛人有祸了。因为你们喜爱会堂里的首位,又喜爱人在街市上问你们的安。)
  • 3、The question that may beuppermost in your mind is, "How does it do that?"(也许您心中最想问的问题就是,“它是怎样实现的?”)
  • 4、The black shapes of crows chattered and cawed in theuppermost branches and welcomed me to the allotment.(大群的乌鸦站在树枝的最高处呱呱乱叫,喋喋不休,欢迎我来到这里。)
  • 5、Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is ofuppermost priority.(保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。)
  • 6、Moreover, the issueuppermost in voters' minds has changed, and this does not favour Mr Brown.(而且选民最关心的问题已经改变,这对布朗不利。)
  • 7、Three further bedrooms are positioned at the storey above, with a workshop and study found at theuppermost level.(其余的三个卧室被布置在上面的楼层中,最上面一层是创作室和书房。)
  • 8、Lastly comes the question which isuppermost in most minds, the most treacherous question of all-that of retaliation.(最后一个问题是在所有被关心问题中最重要的,也是最危险的——关于报复的问题。)
  • 9、And love theuppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues.(喜爱筵席上的首座,会堂里的高位。)
  • 10、Something, such as a lid or cap, that covers or forms anuppermost part.(盖,冠盖或形成最上面部分的东西,例如盖或帽子。)
  • 11、Theuppermost storey contains the property's sleeping quarters, with one bedroom adjoining to another outdoor balcony.(最上层为该住宅的睡眠区,有一间与另一个室外阳台连接的卧室。)
  • 12、These thoughts wereuppermost in my mind.(我心里想的最多的就是这些事。)
  • 13、In addition, theuppermost 10 to 12 leaves were harvested together or divided equally into two harvests.(此外,还对最上部10-12片叶一起采收和均分进行两次采收进行了比较。)
  • 14、Use its names for theuppermost classes.(将其名称用于最高级的类。)
  • 15、The economy appears to beuppermost in people's minds.(经济似乎是人们心中最重要的。)
  • 16、It's not only theuppermost effect of hypothec, but also theuppermost right of the hypnotherapy person.(抵押权的实现,既是抵押权的最主要的效力,也是抵押权人的最主要的权利。)
  • 17、But the lessons of the economic crisis will beuppermost in his thoughts, he says.(但他表示,经济危机的教训将是他考虑的首要问题。)
  • 18、That's the questionuppermost on Indian tennis aficionados' minds.(说的问题上对印度网球爱好者的心灵。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 19、Customer the first, serviceuppermost.(客户第一,服务至上。)
  • 20、"Quality first, clientuppermost, Satisfaction of clients' need" is our purpose.(信誉第一、客户至上、满足客户的要求——是我们的宗旨。)
  • 21、In the car she reverted to the subjectuppermost in her mind. "You know, I really believe what Grandma told you."(在车里她又提起了她头脑里最重要的话题:“你知道,我确实相信奶奶告诉你的那些事。”)
  • 22、Defending may have beenuppermost in Capello's mind because of a goalkeeper shortage in particular.(卡佩罗最看重的可能就是防守,因为门将也缺人。)
  • 23、Once we reach there, But theuppermost in our mind is the final destination.(一旦到那儿,然而我心里想得最多的却是最终的目的地!)
  • 24、John was on theuppermost floor of the three-storey gatehouse.(约翰在这栋三层门房的最高层。)
  • 25、Theuppermost floors will feature the world's highest non-enclosed observation deck.(最高楼层将以世界最高的非封闭式观察台为特色。)
  • 26、Would having a relevant parableuppermost in their minds nudge participants into helping?(脑袋里想着这个寓言故事会促使受试者去帮助他人吗?)



英 [ˈʌpəməʊst] 美 [ˈʌpərmoʊst] 

