


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:42:59



  • 1、We argue here that althoughmalfeasance and dishonesty do indeed occur, they are not necessarily the normal or expected behavior in practice.(在此,我们认为,尽管确实出现了一些不规范或不诚信的行为,但是这些行为不应在实践中成为通告的或预期行为。)
  • 2、Objectively, the crime of dereliction of a basic form and the basic types, dereliction of duty,malfeasance of causal relationship was analyzed.(在客观方面,对渎职犯罪行为的基本形式和基本类型、渎职犯罪结果、渎职罪因果关系进行了分析。)
  • 3、Enormousmalfeasance behavior in economic life have caused a chaotic competition order, waste of social resources and inefficiency.(经济生活中出现的大量不正当竞争行为导致了竞争秩序混乱,社会资源浪费,企业经营低效等后果。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、However, my offensivemalfeasance irritates you.(然而,我的不正当行为激怒了你。)
  • 5、Yet there may be some method in Mr Nguema's blatantmalfeasance.(还有其他一些恩圭马先生的公然渎职行为。)
  • 6、In my imagination, they seemed to have an uncanny ability to know what I was thinking, and were eager to punish me for anymalfeasance.(在我的想象中,他们似乎有不可思议的能力——知道我在想什么,他们因为任何不正当的行为急不可耐地惩罚我。)
  • 7、Besides of the design bug of the computer network, a large number of is the security leak andmalfeasance use of the computer language.(这除了计算机网络固有的设计缺陷外,很多是因为计算机语言本身的安全漏洞或用户的不正当使用造成的。)
  • 8、Mr Cooley, though innocent of anymalfeasance, was overcome with survivor's remorse.(厄尔先生虽然没有失职,但心中却充满了幸存者的无尽悔恨。)
  • 9、This paper only from dereliction of duty crime ofmalfeasance crime proceed with, some problems in the process to talk about their own understanding, in order to ask for advice from others.(本文仅从渎职罪的认定入手,对渎职罪认定过程中存在的若干问题谈谈自己的认识,以求教于学界同仁。)
  • 10、The crime of bending the law to serve one's personal considerations for favoritism is the judicial personnel'smalfeasance.(徇私枉法罪是防治刑事司法人员职务犯罪的重要规定。)
  • 11、For big companies, bounding back from corporate scandal, financialmalfeasance or public disaster is difficult — but it isn't impossible.(俗话说船大头难调,大企业想从丑闻、金融犯罪、公共安全事故等的阴影中走出来的确不容易,但这也并非完全不可能。)
  • 12、They know that this empty-handed and will be guilty ofmalfeasance, to cut thousands of knives.(他们知道这样空手而回,定犯欺君之罪,要千刀万剐。)
  • 13、Medical institutions broke rules of clinic blood transfusion, made no blood supply for patients in emergency, their responsibility of administrativemalfeasance must be investigated.(医疗机构违反临床用血规范,造成紧急情况下患者无血可输的险情发生,应当依法追究责任。)
  • 14、Article 4 Any unit or individual has the right to report themalfeasance of salt industry.(第四条任何单位和个人均有权举报盐业违法行为。)
  • 15、Unlike other officials, Lin did everything assiduously and practically, hated dereliction of duty bitterly and punished the officials formalfeasance without mercy.(与之前的治黄大吏不同,林则徐做事认真,严谨务实;他痛恨渎职,对此类人等严惩不贷。)
  • 16、Third, in cases which crimes of bribery andmalfeasance are involved simultaneously, should it be determined as offense of one crime or two crimes?(其三,同时构成受贿罪和徇私舞弊罪时是认定一罪还是数罪,是从一重处断还是数罪并罚。)
  • 17、In recent years, the phenomenon of violation of taxation law has been very prominent, which has a close relationship to those crimes ofmalfeasance of tax officials.(近年来,税收违法现象十分突出,这与税务人员渎职犯罪具有密切关系。)



英 [ˌmæl'fi:zəns] 美 [mælˈfizəns] 
形容词: malfeasant
