
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:42:47



  • 1、I was told there were patches of wildorchids and to the eastern side of Dacao Tiankeng, there was a huge national wildorchid reserve.(我听说那里有一片片的野生兰花,在大槽天坑的东侧,有一个巨大的国家野生兰花保护区。)
  • 2、He did indeed import flowers and sell them to otherorchid-lovers.(他确实进口了一些兰花,然后卖给其他兰花爱好者。)
  • 3、Alternatively, in line with theorchid concept, some children could be extra sensitive to bad and good parenting.(另外,与兰花概念相一致,一些孩子可能对坏的或好的养育额外敏感。)
  • 4、Europeanorchid having shorter racemes of strongly spiraling snow-white flowers.(欧洲兰花,花色雪白,总状花序较短、呈螺旋状。)
  • 5、"If I see any kind of flower, I can do it in gelatin, " she says. "I took myorchid gelatinas to friends' parties, and they were wowed.(“如果我看见一种花,我就能把它制成胶冻,”她说,“我把我的兰花胶冻带到了朋友的聚会上,他们都啧啧称奇。)
  • 6、A gust of wind swept through, then dancingorchid, like a butterfly, like stretching his body.(一阵风吹过,蝴蝶兰便翩翩起舞,像个花蝴蝶一样伸展着自己的身躯。) hAo86.com
  • 7、"If I see any kind of flower, I can do it in gelatin," she says, "I took myorchid gelatin to friends' parties, and they were wowed."(“如果我看见任何一种花,我就可以用胶冻做,”她说,“我把我的兰花胶冻带到了朋友的聚会上,他们都赞不绝口。”)
  • 8、This semester our class launched the "orchid-cleaning, I clean" activities.(这学期我们班开展了“兰花洁,我也洁”的活动。)
  • 9、Oneorchid deposits its pollen on a particular bee's front legs. The other leaves pollen only on the bee's abdomen.(一种兰花把它的花粉放在一个蜜蜂的前腿上,另外一种兰花把花粉置于这个蜜蜂的腹部。)
  • 10、The fleshy-floweredorchid (Cadetia kutubu) is one of eight neworchid species found in New Guinea's Kikori region.(肉质花兰(Cadetiakutubu)是在新几内亚的基科里地区发现的八个新兰花品种之一。)
  • 11、North Americanorchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals.(北美洲的一种兰花,叶单生,花具有丝状反析花瓣。)
  • 12、And whiteorchid adornment, make interior space more clean and elegant.(而白色兰花装饰则使室内空间变得更加干净雅致。)
  • 13、If we don't make it to theorchid.(如果我们不能成功到达幽兰站的话。)
  • 14、Back home, my father on the TV next to the mothorchid, Phalaenopsis see every day, every day watering theorchid.(回到家里,爸爸把蝴蝶兰放在电视机旁边,天天看着蝴蝶兰,天天给蝴蝶兰浇水。)
  • 15、I write in the bloomingorchid petals on your endless thoughts and blessings, and wish you a happy birthday!(我在那盛开的兰花瓣上写出对你无穷的思念与祝福,并祝你生日快乐!)
  • 16、This kind oforchid, more variety.(这类兰与日俱增,品种越来越多。)
  • 17、Summerorchid petals into a light purple.(夏天,蝴蝶兰的花瓣变成淡紫色的了。)
  • 18、Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spiderorchid.(在澳大利亚,有一群雄蜂随香寻源,强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。)
  • 19、In pictures: 10 of the bestorchids andorchid-inspired buys.(在图:最好的兰花10,兰花启发购买。)
  • 20、In fact, the data supported theorchid concept.(事实上,数据支持兰花的概念。)
  • 21、He then announced that the person who grew the most beautifulorchid would take his throne.(然后他宣布谁能种出最漂亮的兰花,谁就继承他的王位。)
  • 22、Anorchid, some raw cookie dough, a perfume I had been coveting. At the end he was waiting for me.(兰花,刚出炉的曲奇饼,还有我渴望已久的香水,而他则在最后一条线索之后等着我。)
  • 23、What I love most areorchid and rose!(我最爱的是兰花和玫瑰!)
  • 24、Before the flight home, we went to Bourke's new hotel, the Fijiorchid.(回家之前,我去了布瑞克的新开张的酒店,斐济兰花酒店。)
  • 25、I write the missing and blessing to you from the bloomingorchid petals and wish you a happy birthday!(我从那盛开的兰花瓣中写出对您无穷的思念与祝福并祝您生日快乐!)
  • 26、orchids andorchid bees are a classic example of this relationship.(兰花和兰蜂就是这种关系的典型例子。)
  • 27、Potted plant for patios window boxes and entry ways such as Daisy red canna gardeniaorchid etc.(用于装饰天井、窗口花坛和入口的盆栽植物,如雏菊、红美人蕉、栀子、兰花等。)



英 [ˈɔ:kɪd] 美 [ˈɔ:rkɪd] 
