


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:42:01



  • 1、immaculate means "without stain."(无原罪就是“无污点“的意思。)
  • 2、If they were the image of perfection, and if the house wasimmaculate, then they'd done all they could do.(她们会做多次手术,如果她们有完美的形象,房子完美无暇,她们就完成了她们所能做的一切。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、immaculate and all white, the place gave off the cheery, vaguely techno vibe of a Swatch shop on the Ginza.(无暇的白世界色,这个地方像是发出愉快而又模糊的银座广场swatch店播放的technovibe音乐。)
  • 4、She always looksimmaculate.(她总是打扮得干净利落。)
  • 5、The goalie's performance wasimmaculate.(守门员的表现完美无缺。)
  • 6、Her apartment isimmaculate: all polished floors, mid-20th-century furniture, toys stored neatly.(她的公寓整齐洁净:全部是光洁的地板,20世纪中期的家具,孩子的玩具都存放得整整齐齐。)
  • 7、When he was a child, his life contained noble ambitions andimmaculate thought.(在他小的时候,他的生命包含高贵的理想和纯洁的思想。)
  • 8、She wasimmaculate, well-mannered, sensitive, intelligent, and kind to strangers.(她整洁、彬彬有礼、敏感、聪慧、对陌生人友好。)
  • 9、The kitchen they stood in was tiny butimmaculate, the counters nearly bare, the cabinets polished steel.(他们所在的厨房虽然很小,但是一尘不染,柜台光秃秃的,橱柜蹭蹭亮。)
  • 10、He lookedimmaculate in his suit and bowler hat.(他穿着西装戴着礼貌,看上去挺纯洁的。)
  • 11、It is far more important to relax a bit each day than to live in animmaculate house.(每天放松片刻比住在一套完美的房子里要重要的多。)
  • 12、Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind alongimmaculate, powder white beaches.(洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。)
  • 13、I'd go out smartly dressed with animmaculate bag, looking like I was on my lunch break.(入店偷窃时,我会穿的很时髦,挎着干净的背包,就像我是正在午间休息的白领。)
  • 14、Since Gordon, her husband, died in 1980, Joan has lived alone in herimmaculate four-bedroom house.(琼的丈夫戈登1980年去世后,琼就独自生活在有四间卧室的干净屋子中。)
  • 15、Her kitchen was keptimmaculate.(她的厨房保持得一尘不染。)
  • 16、Her hair wasimmaculate, and around her neck hung a splendid string of pearls.(她有着完美的头发,颈上挂着一串精美的珍珠。)
  • 17、Rustic wetlands are replaced with fountains andimmaculate arti? Cial ponds.(赋有乡村气息的湿地被喷泉和整洁的人造池塘所取代。)
  • 18、The attire consisted of a formal evening gown,immaculate in detail.(她的衣服是一套正式的晚装,细节做得很漂亮。)
  • 19、As I try to imagine 19 people sleeping in this small space, it struck me howimmaculate it was.(我极力的想象这19个人在这样狭小空间里,怎样生活,而让我震惊的是这个地方太整洁了。)
  • 20、Then, one day, came back to him through the mail ten of hisimmaculate machine-made storiettes.(然后有一天邮局送回了他十篇机械制造的、天衣无缝的小故事。)
  • 21、Theimmaculate stains easily.; Theimmaculate is easily sullied.(皎皎者易污。)
  • 22、Poverty does not engender a pure, angelic soul or animmaculate humility any more than sickness does.(我觉得这句的意思是疾病不会带来纯净、天使一般的灵魂或是无瑕的谦卑之心,贫穷更是如此。)
  • 23、Pray that Maryimmaculate may reign in our hearts.(祈求无玷玛利亚在我们心内成王。)
  • 24、Nails, hair and make up have to beimmaculate.(指甲、头发和妆容必须要洁净无瑕。)
  • 25、Japan is a country withimmaculate service, good food, beautiful countryside and excellent beaches.(日本的服务完美无瑕,食品美味可口,乡村景色秀美,沙滩出类拔萃。)
  • 26、Mr. Jorgensen was animmaculate dresser.(乔根森先生是个衣着考究的人。)



英 [ɪˈmækjələt] 美 [ɪˈmækjəlɪt] 
副词: immaculately 名词: immaculateness
