
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:42:09



  • 1、At the time, England and Scotland Shared amonarch but remained separate nations.(在当时,英格兰和苏格兰归一个君主统治,但仍保持两个分立的国家。)
  • 2、In 1171 Henry II was the first Englishmonarch to cause trouble in Ireland.(1171年,亨利二世成了第一个给爱尔兰制造麻烦的英国君主。)
  • 3、She was the last Britishmonarch of the House of Hanover.(她是汉诺威家族的最后一个不列颠君主。)
  • 4、Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Britishmonarch.(白金汉宫是英国君主在伦敦的官邸。)
  • 5、The night came on, chilly and overcast; and still the footsoremonarch laboured slowly on.(夜来了,又冷又阴沉;脚痛的国王仍旧慢慢地勉强往前走。)
  • 6、Themonarch, of course, was Queen Elizabeth II.(君主当然是伊丽莎白二世。)
  • 7、The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within themonarch butterfly's range.(马利筋中的特殊糖苷在帝王蝶的范围内因地区而异。)
  • 8、The Queen is the fifth longest serving Britishmonarch.(是在位时间第五长的英国君主。)
  • 9、I made a bow to it in my mind, for I felt in the presence of a greatmonarch.(我在心里向它屈服了,因为我觉得自己正站在一位帝王面前。)
  • 10、The lifespan of themonarch is only two months (once full grown).(这种蝴蝶的寿命只有两个月(从完全长成后算起)。)
  • 11、While 64% think themonarch should retire, only 31% do not.(64%的人认为君主应该退休,只有31%的人表示反对。)
  • 12、Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a maturemonarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.(成熟的蝴蝶在成熟的黑脉金斑蝶体内保留糖苷,可以用来确定其产地。)
  • 13、The matter, which was a weighty one, was like to go against the Englishmonarch by default.(这一重大事件,在一般情况下,似乎是对英国君主不利的。)
  • 14、Caterpillars ofmonarch butterflies feed exclusively on milkweed leaves.(黑脉金斑蝶的毛虫只吃马利筋的叶子。)
  • 15、Ah, yes, but could so fantastic a pauper get admission to the august presence of amonarch?(啊,不错,但是这样一个穷光蛋能得到国王庄严接见的机会吗?)
  • 16、It is a sad twilight for themonarch.(这亦是君主困境,实在堪悲。)
  • 17、A new study shows thatmonarch butterflies may be among them.(新的研究表明,王蝶就属于这种动物之一。)
  • 18、Henry IV is not the only Englishmonarch with a liking for them.(亨利四世可不是唯一钟情于蛋挞的英国君王。)
  • 19、Later, dragon became the symbol of power andmonarch.(后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。)
  • 20、But the 85-year-oldmonarch has proved wary of provoking a conservative backlash.(但是现年85的君主敬小慎微,怕引起保守主义的强烈反映。)
  • 21、The greatestmonarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit upon his own arse.(最伟大的君主坐在最骄傲的宝座上,也不得不坐在自己的屁股上。)
  • 22、He had the ear of themonarch.(他在君主那里说得上话。)
  • 23、He has become the Sage andmonarch of the age of Reason.(他已成为理性时代的智者和君王。)
  • 24、Mr Rajapaksa seems to be cultivating the image of an electedmonarch.(他似乎在培育一个选举君主的形象。我的理解:他似乎在为自己塑造一个民选君主的形象。)
  • 25、"The ancient Hawaiians were astronomers," wrote Queen Liliuokalani, Hawaii's last reigningmonarch, in 1897.(1897年,夏威夷最后一位在位君主利留卡拉尼女王写道:“古代夏威夷人是天文学家。”)
  • 26、The use of the modified maize inadvertently imperilsmonarch butterflies.(使用转基因玉米无意中危及黑脉金斑蝶。)
  • 27、I'm not amonarch or a king.(我不是君主或者国王。)



英 [ˈmɒnək] 美 [ˈmɑ:nərk] 
形容词: monarchal 副词: monarchally


