
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:47:11



  • 1、In case you dodisobey, you will be the one to suffer, not anyone else.(万一你不听话,吃苦头的将是你,而不是别人。)
  • 2、Not once do any of these creaturesdisobey one jot or tittle of the laws of physics.(所有的这些生物从未有丝毫违背过物理学定律。)
  • 3、Few daredisobey; anyone who thinks of it is threatened by fellow Serbs.(几乎没有人会违反命令;任何想违背命令的人都会受到本地塞尔维亚人的威胁。)
  • 4、It was wrong of me todisobey father and to run away from home.(我不听父亲的话,离家出走,这是不对的。)
  • 5、I recommend you not todisobey your boss.(我建议你不要违背你老板的命令。)
  • 6、This is the company's principle, youdisobey it, you go.(这是公司的规定,如果违反,请你走人。)
  • 7、The women of the village would neverdisobey this law.(村里的女人必须服从这条法律。)
  • 8、I'd looked through that book many times, whenever I could persuade Hattie todisobey.(那本书我看过很多次,只要能够劝说海蒂违反规定我就看。)
  • 9、We hate each other, my brother and I, but we preferred not todisobey my parents.(我和我哥哥互相看不顺眼,可我们还是不愿违背父母之命。)
  • 10、He will be nasty if youdisobey him.(如果你不服从他,他就会发脾气。)
  • 11、I recommend you not todisobey your officer.(我建议你不要反抗你的长官。)
  • 12、You can'tdisobey the law, but you can try to circumvent it.(你不能违法,但可以试试规避法律。)
  • 13、We won’tdisobey the rule if the school can provide hot water boilers in our dorm buildings!(如果学校能在宿舍楼里提供热水炉,我们就不会违反规定了!)
  • 14、It distresses me todisobey you, father, but that is out of the question.(很遗憾我不能听从您,爸爸,这是不可能的。)
  • 15、The daughter nature is the will that can notdisobey daddy.(女儿自然是不能违背爹爹的意愿的。)
  • 16、I could notdisobey him.(我是不得不服从他的。)
  • 17、By that, he meant that we shoulddisobey the doctors and give him a piece of ice.(他的意思是说,我们应该违背医生的嘱咐,给他一块冰吃。)
  • 18、To question ordisobey the law is tantamount to destroying the authority of the law.(质疑或违抗法律,等同于摧毁法律的权威。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 19、If youdisobey the law, you will be punished.(如果你不遵守法律,你会受到惩罚。)
  • 20、But many drivers and pedestrians stilldisobey traffic rules.(但是很多行人和司机还是不遵守交通规则。)
  • 21、He wouldn't do thingsdisobey his heart, and then find "for the sake of living" as the excuse.(他不会以生活为借口去做违背良心的事。)
  • 22、Those whodisobey will be severely punished.(违者严惩不贷。)
  • 23、You daredisobey your mother?(你竟敢不听妈妈的话?)
  • 24、I recommend you not todisobey your officers.(我劝你不要不服从你的长官。)
  • 25、I could notdisobey him. Only one thing remained for me: to suffer and obey.(我不得不服从他,因为留给我的只有痛苦和服从。)
  • 26、It can't be heard clear like the sound but we can'tdisobey its will.(虽然祂不像声音那样清楚的由耳朵接收,可是我们无法违背其意志。)



英 [ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈbe] 
名词: disobeyer 过去式: disobeyed 过去分词: disobeyed 现在分词: disobeying 第三人称单数: disobeys
