
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:56:45



  • 1、The rules may seeminhuman, but they are not unreasonable.(这些规章制度可能显得不够人性化,但它们并非毫无道理。)
  • 2、For centuries he braved arctic cold, tropic heat andinhuman privations to wrest gold from the earth.(几个世纪以来,他冒着北极的严寒、热带的酷暑和非人的贫困,从地球上攫取黄金。)
  • 3、The detainees are often held in cruel andinhuman conditions.(被拘留者经常被羁押在既残酷又不人道的环境里。)
  • 4、I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of thisinhuman season.(在这无情的季节里,在这可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。)
  • 5、This is a killing machine, cold andinhuman.(这是一个杀人机器,冰冷和残忍。)
  • 6、The AI anchor joinsinhuman reporting team.(人工智能主播加入了非人报道团队。)
  • 7、He is notinhuman because he was brought to life on a surgical table. He isinhuman because he is alone.(他不是人,因为他是在手术台上获得了生命,他很残忍,因为他很孤独。)
  • 8、Auschwitz “showed the opposite of divine mercy, how man can beinhuman to fellow human beings,” Archbishop Ledesma said.(莱德斯马总主教说,奥斯威辛「展示了与救主慈悲相反的一面,人类如何不人道地对待他人」。)
  • 9、C. Torture and Other Cruel,inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or punishment.(c酷刑和其他残忍的、不人道的或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚。)
  • 10、If it is true that the only paradises are those we have lost, I will know what name to give the tender andinhuman something that dwells in me today.(据说只有失去的才是乐园。如果真是如此,我就知道怎样称呼今天停驻在我心中的、那温柔而不近人情的事物了。)
  • 11、It's absolutelyinhuman.(这完完全全是不人道的。)
  • 12、This astonishingly naive vision springs from a credulous faithinhuman nature.(这种令人惊讶的天真的想法源于轻易相信人类的本性。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 13、There was a strangeinhuman sound.(有一种不像人发出的奇怪声音。)
  • 14、I aminhuman!(我不是人!)
  • 15、Which is to say, a field of omnipresent,inhuman intelligence that conspires impishly against him.(也就是说,一种无所不在的非人性智力的领域顽皮地共同与他作对。)
  • 16、This was not onlyinhuman; it was also inefficient.(这不仅不人道,而且效率低下。)
  • 17、Unbridled rage propels you toinhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.(放纵的怒火驱使你以惊人的速度激发狂暴战斗。)
  • 18、She began to make weirdinhuman sounds.(她开始发出可怕的非人的声音。)
  • 19、The slaughter of whales is unnecessary andinhuman.(对鲸的屠宰是不必要且不人道的。)
  • 20、His self-control, reserve and aloofness were almostinhuman.(他的自制力、矜持和孤傲几乎有些不近人情。)
  • 21、Another factor contributing to the tendency to deny the assumption of a fixed human nature was that the concept has so often been abused as a shield behind which the mostinhuman acts are committed.(另一个促使人们倾向于否定本性难移假设的因素是,这一概念经常被滥用,被当作大多数不人道行为的挡箭牌。)
  • 22、Capital punishment was regarded asinhuman and immoral.(死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。)



英 [ɪnˈhju:mən] 美 [ɪnˈhjumən] 
副词: inhumanly 名词: inhumanness
