
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:55:45



  • 1、I asked him to have myjewelry valued.(我请求他为我的珠宝估价。)
  • 2、Despite their reverence, the ancients were quick to recognize gold's practical qualities, particularly its malleability, which made it ideal forjewelry.(尽管受到尊敬,但古人很快就认识到黄金的实用性,尤其是它的延展性,这使它成为制作珠宝的理想材料。)
  • 3、Gift meaning ofjewelry is important.(珠宝。意义的珠宝礼物是很重要的。)
  • 4、In one shop, bound with chains and prompted by three well-armed drow, a dwarf smithy grudgingly repaired fine weapons andjewelry for his captors.(在一个店铺中,被锁链铐住的一个矮人正在三名全副武装的卓尔催促下,为他的主人修理着高级的武器和珠宝。)
  • 5、They buyjewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them.(他们为自己购买带有猫咪图案的珠宝和衣服。)
  • 6、Goldsmiths are people who work in gold; they makejewelry, gold, gold article, and coffee urns.(金匠就是处理金子的人;他们制作珠宝、黄金、金器和咖啡壶。)
  • 7、We have purchased some valuablejewelry.(我们购置了几件贵重的珠宝饰物。)
  • 8、Items such as special headwear andjewelry are further examples of the garments that in general express preferences and culturally significant details about the particular culture.(特殊的头饰和珠宝首饰是服装的又一例子,它们通常表达了人们的偏好,以及关于特定文化的重要文化细节。)
  • 9、jewelry for your table.(餐桌上的珠宝。)
  • 10、I have been found in Mesopotamia and at archaeological sites in modern-day Pakistan.(我提到了珠宝。在美索不达米亚和现代巴基斯坦的考古遗址都发现了珠宝。)
  • 11、Goldsmiths were people who worked in metal gold and made beautifuljewelry and other things for people.(金匠是从事金属金行业的人,他们为人们制作漂亮的珠宝和其他东西。)
  • 12、Was that the film that opened with her shopping forjewelry in New York City?(那是以她在纽约买珠宝作为开场的电影吗?)
  • 13、We also use cards and gifts, such as flowers orjewelry, to do this.(我们也使用卡片和礼物,如鲜花或珠宝,来做到这一点。)
  • 14、How about an exquisite piece ofjewelry?(精美的珠宝如何?不一定是听起来那么昂贵的。)
  • 15、The police released the first video images yesterday of the two men believed to have been involved in robbing ajewelry shop in the city seven days ago.(警方昨天公布了第一组录像画面,画面显示两名男子涉嫌7天前在该市抢劫一家珠宝店。)
  • 16、In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crownjewelry.(在过去,女王的加冕珠宝中包括腕表。)
  • 17、The one on the right wearsjewelry.(右边的一个人戴着首饰。)
  • 18、This isjewelry offering a very different expression of identity.(这种珠宝提供了一种非常不同的身份表达。)
  • 19、Let's say that you're going through your mom'sjewelry box and you're having a conversation about a piece ofjewelry.(我们假设你们正在翻看你妈妈的珠宝盒,你们正在讨论一件珠宝。)
  • 20、Do you want precious things andjewelry?(你要珠宝和华贵的服装吗?)
  • 21、It is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception to the normal sequence in the evolution of men'sjewelry.(一般认为,腕表是男士珠宝演变过程中正常序列的一个例外。)
  • 22、Women look nice when they wearjewelry.(当女人戴上珠宝时看上去很漂亮。)
  • 23、Goldjewelry is a growth industry in China.(在中国,黄金首饰业是一个增长型行业。)
  • 24、“She likedjewelry,” I said.(“她喜欢珠宝,”我说。)
  • 25、Design your own clothes orjewelry.(设计你自己的衣服和首饰。)
  • 26、He went to a famousjewelry shop which keeps a large stock of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces.(他去了一家有大量宝石的著名珠宝店,要求给他看一些珍珠项链。) 【好工具】
  • 27、You mean thejewelry store.(你指的是那家珠宝店?)
  • 28、There was even an elaborate canal system and a lot of very intricatejewelry.(甚至还有一个精心设计的运河系统和许多非常精巧的珠宝。)



英 ['dʒu:əlrɪ] 美 [ˈdʒuəlri];珠宝类