
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:55:46



  • 1、Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, akeeper of tradition.(电视已经成为了一个保姆,一个谈话的介绍者,文化的主要传播者,一个传统的守护者。)
  • 2、Reluctantly, I had to return the elderly woman to herkeeper, who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.(我很不情愿地把老妇人还给了还在商店前面敲着脚的看护者。)
  • 3、Let us be our sister'skeeper.(让我们也成为我们姐妹的守护者。)
  • 4、He saw Becky and they had an exhausting good time playing hispy and gully-keeper with a crowd of their schoolmates.(他看见了贝基,俩人和一群同学玩起了捉迷藏和“守沟”游戏,玩得痛快极了。)
  • 5、The bearkeeper allowed the cat to stay with the bear.(养熊人允许猫和熊呆在一起。)
  • 6、"I'm so silly!" cried thekeeper.(“我好傻!”看守员叫道。)
  • 7、Thekeeper was very excited as she served the dish to him.(当把这道菜端给他时,店员非常兴奋。)
  • 8、Did I ever tell you that good story about Toad and the lock-keeper?(我给你讲过托德和那个水闸管理员的故事吗?)
  • 9、The young men understand they are their brother'skeeper.(年轻人懂得他们是兄弟的守护者。)
  • 10、He won the soccer game with the goalkeeper.(他和守门员一起赢了这场足球比赛。)
  • 11、After the presentation, akeeper showed them how to hold the bottle of milk for baby squirrels.(展示结束后,饲养员向他们展示了如何为小松鼠拿奶瓶。)
  • 12、Emma was quick to volunteer, but when thekeeper opened the first cage, the squirrel inside jumped out.(艾玛很快成为了志愿者,但当饲养员打开第一个笼子时,里面的松鼠跳出来了。)
  • 13、In the next morning, thekeeper saw the businessman leaving from the front door.(第二天早上,看门人看见商人从前门离开。)
  • 14、Marine biologist Phil Hastings is theirkeeper.(海洋生物学家菲尔·黑斯廷斯(PhilHastings)就是这些鱼类的守护神。)
  • 15、The show's akeeper–daring, imaginative and provocative.(这部电影值得收藏–大胆、富于想像力和煽动性。)
  • 16、Anotherkeeper and a vet flew with the animals to make sure they suffered no ill effects from the journey.(另一个饲养员和一名兽医与这些动物一起飞行,以防它们在旅程中受到任何不良的影响。)
  • 17、"I am thekeeper of the family jewels," Cano says.(我是这个珍宝家族的看护者,卡诺说。)
  • 18、Don't be a goose, Janey — I'm not herkeeper.(别像个小傻瓜似的,詹尼——我可不是她的监护人。)
  • 19、I'm the number twokeeper, so I had to be sensible.(我只是一个二流球员,所以我必须理智一点。)
  • 20、The animalkeeper begins its feeding with much love.(动物饲养员用极大爱心饲养。)
  • 21、Huck, I never told on that tavern-keeper.(哈克,我从来没有告发过客栈老板。)
  • 22、The tower-keeper looked at the child's eyes, which were nearly full of tears.(看塔人望着海蒂的眼睛,眼里几乎充满了泪水。)
  • 23、Once there was a small hotel whosekeeper was always caring about money.(从前有一家小旅馆,老板总是很关心钱。)
  • 24、Thekeeper thought, "If I serve some buds of ginger to the businessman, he may be forgetful to take his wallet!" Then she went to the kitchen.(管理员想:“如果我给这个商人一些姜芽,他可能会忘记拿钱包!”然后她去了厨房。)
  • 25、Of course. You are the timekeeper here.(当然,时间您说了算。)
  • 26、His sweet nature and kindness made him akeeper, she said.(她说他的可爱和善良使他成为值得珍视的人。)
  • 27、The inspections were supposed to be a surprise, butkeeper sometimes had advance notice。(检查本该是出其不意的,但有时候管理员会提前通知。)
  • 28、Thekeeper then scurried to put on his dress uniform and cap.(看守人急忙穿上制服,戴上帽子。)
  • 29、Thekeeper didn't want to give Tom and his cousin chocolates.(饲养员不想给汤姆和他的表弟巧克力。)



英 [ˈki:pə(r)] 美 [ˈkipɚ] 
