
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:16:56



  • 1、What a shame that yousuck your thumb.(吮拇指可够羞人的。)
  • 2、Maybe I willsuck their blood.(也许我会吸她们的血。)
  • 3、And it wouldsuck different powers in.(不同的国家会被卷进来。)
  • 4、"Tech is designed to reallysuck you in," says jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement."(詹妮·拉德斯基在她的数字产品研究中宣称:“发展科技的目的就是为了让你沉浸其中,生产数字产品是为了促进最大的参与度。”)
  • 5、Greenfly can literallysuck a plant dry.(蚜虫的确能把一株植物吸干。)
  • 6、suck out some marrow. That one was.(要我说“吸取一些精髓”,那才是话中有话。)
  • 7、Most childrensuck their thumbs but they grow out of it.(大多数孩子都吮拇指,大了就好了。)
  • 8、How do theysuck even one person in, where is that famed programmer independence?(他们是怎样吸引人加入的?那个声名远扬的程序员的独立性在哪里?)
  • 9、Theysuck juices out of the plant.(他们从植物里吸取汁液。)
  • 10、God, these people allsuck!(我的天!这里的人都太糟糕了!)
  • 11、Christ, Henry, that's one of the reasons why you guyssuck as a couple.(我的老天,亨利,你们俩为什么是这么糟糕的一对,这就是原因之一。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 12、They just want tosuck on our blood.(他们只是想吸我们的血而已。)
  • 13、Peoplesuck up clean water to make products.(人们抽取干净的水来制造产品。)
  • 14、I dare you to knock it off--and anybody that'll take a dare willsuck eggs.(我谅你也不敢——谁敢的话,我就揍扁谁。)
  • 15、BP has plans to lower a massive dome over the leak site tosuck oil from the seabed into vessels that can take it for safe disposal.(英国石油公司计划在漏油点上方建造一个巨大的圆顶,将海底的石油吸到船上,以便安全处理。)
  • 16、One of the things they can do issuck, and these babies wouldsuck on a pacifier when hearing French.(他们能做的事情之一就是吮吸,这些婴儿听到法语时会去吮吸奶嘴。)
  • 17、Did the farmersuck the poison out of the wound?(那位农民将毒液从伤口里吸出来了吗?)
  • 18、"Theysuck everything out of you," says one European bank boss.(“他们会吸干你的一切。”一位欧洲银行的老板说道。)
  • 19、They mightsuck their thumb, seek out a blanket or so on.(他们可能吮吸他们的大拇指,寻找毯子或者其他之类的。)
  • 20、No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking Tutankhamen, come face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museum, and you willsuck in your breath.(无论你看过多少次图坦卡蒙国王的金色面具的图片,在埃及的开罗博物馆与它面对面,你都会深深吸气。)
  • 21、Rational choice in this case, people are not choosing a dominated strategy but a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes thatsuck.(理性的选择,即本案例中人们不去选择劣势策略,反而选择优势策略会使结果变得糟糕。)
  • 22、"We always admire her as she passes by." Mr. Pim watches Pippasuck the concoction.(“她路过的时候我们都仰慕她。”皮姆先生看着皮帕在啜饮着混合饮料。)
  • 23、Good writerssuck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page.(好的作家吸收他们所看到的世界,在书里重新创造自己的世界。)
  • 24、To see such effects, physicists first have tosuck out every possible quantum and leave a beam in its least-energetic "ground state".(为了目睹这种效应,物理学家首先需要吸出每一个可能的量子,让光束处于能量最小的“基态”。)
  • 25、You cansuck the refreshment out through the straw.(你可以用吸管把饮料吸出来。)
  • 26、It's good for you tosuck in fresh shore air.(吸进清新的海滨空气对你有好处。)
  • 27、Why does my gamesuck?(为什么我的游戏这么糟糕?)



英 [sʌk] 美 [sʌk] 
过去式: sucked 过去分词: sucked 现在分词: sucking 第三人称单数: sucks



