
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:29:43



  • 1、She was veryabrupt with me in our meeting.(在我们会面时,她跟我说话非常生硬。)
  • 2、Considering that other climate shifts take thousands of years, this one is prettyabrupt.(考虑到其他的气候变化会需要数千年,这次的变化就相当突然了。)
  • 3、When ending your practice, don't come to anabrupt halt.(当你要结束行走默想时,不要突然地停止。)
  • 4、Then there were other changes, even moreabrupt.(接着,出现了其他变化,更突然的变化。)
  • 5、It's a nonphysical thing, it's a veryabrupt change.(它不是很符合物理现象的,它是非常突然的变化。)
  • 6、He wasabrupt to the point of rudeness.(他唐突到了无礼的地步。)
  • 7、New findings suggest that Gage managed to soften theseabrupt changes over time and rediscover an appropriate social manner.(新的发现表明,随着时间的推移,Gage设法缓和了这些突然的变化,并重新发现了一种适当的社交方式。)
  • 8、I made anabrupt turn to avoid another car.(我急忙转身以避开汽车。)
  • 9、Excuse me for myabrupt questions.(恕我冒昧提出这些问题。)
  • 10、They are either over-polite or rudelyabrupt.(他们要么过于礼貌,要么粗鲁无礼。)
  • 11、He was veryabrupt with me in our meeting.(在我们会面时,他跟我说话非常生硬。)
  • 12、They're gradual variations but their effects can be prettyabrupt.(它们是渐进的变化,但它们的影响可能是相当突然的。)
  • 13、Hisabrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly.(他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。)
  • 14、It completely changed the tone, sort of a bumpy andabrupt, and the end, in the scene with his aunt, she's overcome with despair.(它彻底改变了影片的基调,有点颠簸和唐突,最后,在和他姑姑的场景里,她为绝望所压倒。)
  • 15、The transition in Irish painting from one predominant style to the other was not anabrupt one.(爱尔兰绘画从一种主要风格向另一种主要风格的转变并不是突然的。)
  • 16、The thought brought her to anabrupt halt.(她一想到这个便猛地停下了。)
  • 17、That long airplane ride, theabrupt change of climate, was more than she could take.(那次漫长的飞机旅程,气候的急剧变化,超出了她可以承受的范围。)
  • 18、Excuse me for myabrupt question.(请原谅我这个唐突的问题。)
  • 19、The music isabrupt and seemingly disconnected, as in the last piano sonata.(音乐很突然,似乎不连贯,就像在最后的钢琴奏鸣曲。) haO86.com
  • 20、The fossil record suggests that there was anabrupt extinction of many plants and animals at the end of the Mesozoic era.(化石记录表明,在中生代末期,许多动植物突然灭绝。)
  • 21、Rosie's idyllic world came to anabrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.(当她的父母婚姻破裂后,罗茜的田园诗一般的世界骤然结束了。)
  • 22、Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are noabrupt or confusing shifts.(过渡应该将一个段落与下一个段落连接起来,这样才不会出现生硬或混乱的转换。)
  • 23、His life as a hunter came to anabrupt end 10 years ago.(十年前他的猎人生涯突然结束了。)
  • 24、She did not dare to bike down theabrupt slope.(她不敢骑着自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。)
  • 25、abrupt action will cause difficulties with relatives.(突发的行为会引起你与亲戚间的矛盾。)
  • 26、Mullins knocked me off-balance with hisabrupt change of subject.(马林斯突然改变话题让我大为吃惊。)
  • 27、The road is full ofabrupt [sudden] turns and is dangerous for motoring.(这条路到处都是急转弯,开汽车很危险。)



英 [əˈbrʌpt] 美 [əˈbrʌpt] 
副词: abruptly 名词: abruptness
