
更新时间:2024-04-26 11:27:05



  • 1、Many old buildings have beennicely restored.(许多古老的建筑得到了精细的修复。)
  • 2、I can read quitenicely!(我读得很好!)
  • 3、He dressed verynicely, too.(他穿得也很讲究。)
  • 4、The cable car and toboggannicely combine natural beauty and man-made scenery.(缆车和雪橇将自然美景和人工景色完美地结合起来。)
  • 5、What a soft heart she has, the darling, and hownicely she can talk.(她的心肠多么好啊,说起话来多么动听。)
  • 6、If we cultivate just that kind of plant, we only put tiny amounts of energy in and the plants still grownicely.(如果我们只种植那种植物,我们只需投入少量的能量,并且植物仍然可以良好地生长。)
  • 7、It fits reallynicely into our Acrobat document collaboration strategy.(它非常适合我们的Acrobat文档协作策略。)
  • 8、The latest iPhone 6s, for example, has a dual core processor and fitsnicely into your pocket.(例如,最新的iPhone6s拥有双核处理器,可以很好地放进口袋。)
  • 9、"Yes, go and learnnicely," answered his mother.(“好,去好好学习吧。”他母亲回答。)
  • 10、She did look very neat, verynicely dressed, but so shy.(她看起来很整洁,穿着很得体,但是很害羞。)
  • 11、His novelsnicely describe life in Britain between the wars.(他的小说细致地描述了两次大战之间英国的生活状况。)
  • 12、Her new business is doing verynicely.(她的新事业一帆风顺。)
  • 13、I took the book off the boy and told him to treat booksnicely.(我从男孩手里拿过书,告诉他要好好对待书。)
  • 14、The book's coming alongnicely.(这本书愈来愈好看了。)
  • 15、Uranus fits in the next spot in the pattern prettynicely, not perfectly, but close.(天王星放在接下来的这个空位里倒是很合适——尽管谈不上十分精准,但已经非常接近了。)
  • 16、If you ask hernicely she might say yes.(好好地跟她说,她也许会同意的。)
  • 17、He's just written a book,nicely illustrated and not too technical.(他刚写完一本书,插图精美,专业性也不是太强。)
  • 18、The fact is that no matter hownicely we dress, or how beautifully we decorate our home, we can't be truly elegant unless we have good manners because elegance and good manners go always hand in hand.(事实上,不管我们穿得多么漂亮,或者我们把家里装饰得多么漂亮,我们都不可能真正做到优雅,除非我们有礼貌,因为优雅和礼貌总是相辅相成的。)
  • 19、"I mean," Wendy saidnicely, remembering that she was hostess, "is that what they put on the letters?"(“我的意思是,”温迪想起她是女主人,亲切地说,“信上就是这么写的吗?”)
  • 20、Things are going alongnicely.(情况进展良好。)
  • 21、See, hownicely it sits between the flowers.(瞧,它坐在花丛中多好看。)
  • 22、The wound is healingnicely and the patient is healthy.(伤口在很好地愈合,病人情况良好。)
  • 23、He treated you verynicely and acted like a decent guy.(他待你很好,行为举止非常得体。)
  • 24、However, animals can actnicely, even when they don't have to.(然而,动物们即使在不必要的情况下也能表现得很友善。)
  • 25、My plans dovetailednicely with hers.(我的计划与她的计划正好吻合。)
  • 26、Overall, the circuit has a great variety of corners, including hard braking for a hairpin and other corners that flownicely.(整体来说,这个赛道有各种各样的弯角,包括需要大力刹车的发夹弯和通过顺畅的其他弯角。)
  • 27、It flakes verynicely into really sharp points.(它能成片剥落而形成尖锐的角。)
  • 28、When she walked away, the male fox showed her that he wanted to playnicely.(当她走开时,公狐狸向她表示他想好好地玩。)
  • 29、She has a bit of private money, so they manage quitenicely.(她有一些私房钱,因此他们过得还不错。)
  • 30、The room wasnicely furnished.(这房间布置得很舒适。)



英 [ˈnaɪsli] 美 ['naɪslɪ] 
