
更新时间:2024-06-16 12:36:22



  • 1、And he said, "I do have one request, that each of you give me anearring from your share of the plunder."(基甸又对他们说:“我有一件事求你们,请你们各人将所夺的耳环给我。”)
  • 2、I've lost anearring. It was an expensive one too.(我丢了一只耳环,还是个挺贵的。)
  • 3、And so the otherearring falls.(但另一只耳环又掉落了。)
  • 4、The actor, 73, on wearing anearring, being a good sailor, and dreaming big.(作为演员的他,年逾古稀之年,戴着耳环,成为一名出色的水手,至今仍志存高远。)
  • 5、A diamond studearring.(一个镶嵌着钻石的耳环。)
  • 6、I always wanted anearring.(我对耳环一直情有独钟。) hAo86.com
  • 7、I just need to find oneearring.(我只要找到那一只耳环就好。)
  • 8、He should stop wearing that sillyearring.(他应该别戴着那个可笑的耳环了。)
  • 9、Except for a shaved head and a hoopearring, the Happy Buddha and I could have been brothers.(除了光秃秃的头发和一副铁环状的耳环,弥勒佛和我看上去简直是双胞胎哥俩。)
  • 10、How long have you worn thatearring?(你戴那个耳环多久了?)
  • 11、"Really, a grill is just like anearring. It's fashion," said junior Devonte Wright, 16.(16岁的高中生赖特说:“牙套和耳坠就像普通的饰物一样,它们是时尚的标志。”)
  • 12、I like the beautiful small ornament, looks like theearring, the necklace and the brooch.(我喜欢美丽的小装饰品,像耳环、项链和胸针。)
  • 13、And I think he should stop wearing that sillyearring.(而且我认为他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。)
  • 14、It's basically a beautifulearring.(这基本上是一个美丽的耳环。)
  • 15、Myearring had dropped, so I was looking for it on the floor.(没关系,我的耳环掉了,所以我刚才在地上找。)
  • 16、Live now. Die later skullearring studs. Sold as a pair.(活在当下,随后便死。骷髅耳钉,一对。)
  • 17、After Holmes looked at theearring carefully, he took Tom away.(福尔摩斯后看着耳环细心,他把汤姆送。)
  • 18、One of the most beautiful styles ofearring is the pearl stud.(其中一个最美丽的风格的耳环是珍珠螺栓。)
  • 19、With the hook on his hand McPhee pushed Peggy away, so she took instead to biting hisearring.(于是麦克菲用他手上的铁钩赶走了佩吉,但是它又继续咬他的耳环。)
  • 20、I'm holding in my hand anearring you once lost.(我正将你遗落的耳环握在手里。)
  • 21、Always remove tongue or eyebrow piercings3 no more than oneearring in each ear, and hide tattoos.(把舌环或眉环拿掉(每只耳朵上只戴一个耳环),遮盖住纹身。)
  • 22、You know why sailors used to wear a goldearring?(你知道为什么水手过去常戴金耳环吗?)
  • 23、We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of anearring.(我们会喜欢它们的外观,但在网络环境中,我们感觉不到质地、形状、褶皱,以及在此状况下,感受不到一只耳环的重量。)
  • 24、We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or the weight of anearring.(我们会喜欢该外观,但在网络环境中,我们无法感觉到质地的质量、合身的形状、褶皱的下垂或耳环的重量。)



英 [ˈɪərɪŋ] 美 [ˈɪrɪŋ] 
