
更新时间:2024-04-26 23:06:42



  • 1、Used for processing candy, cake, beverage, can, meat andcoffer, oat, milk tea, bakery food, etc…(用于糖果、糕点、饮料、罐头、肉制品的加工和生产,以及在咖啡、麦片、奶茶、焙烤制品等中应用。)
  • 2、Now, thecoffer was too small to contain a body; therefore it contained money.(况且那箱子太小,装不了一个死人,那么它装的一定是钱了。)
  • 3、Thiscoffer was painted black, and the cabriolet yellow.(箱子是黑漆的,车身则是黄漆。)
  • 4、These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and theircoffer is never empty.(他们才是相信生命和生命的献赏者,他们的钱库永不空乏。)
  • 5、I like this kind ofcoffer.(我喜欢这种咖啡。)
  • 6、When he had rejoined them, he gave thecoffer to one of them to carry.(赶上他们,他把匣子交给他们中的一个背着。)
  • 7、Two or three hours later, Boulatruelle had seen this person emerge from the brushwood, carrying no longer thecoffer, but a shovel and pick.(两三个钟头过后,蒲辣秃柳儿看见他那老相知又从树丛里出来,可是他现在掮的不是那只小箱,而是一把镐和一把锹。)
  • 8、I'd like a cup ofcoffer with sugar and cream, please.(请给我一杯加糖和奶油的咖啡。)
  • 9、From this he had drawn the inference that this person, once in the forest, had dug a hole with his pick, buried thecoffer, and reclosed the hole with his shovel.(他从而作出结论,认为他那老相知在走进树林以后,便用他那把镐挖了一个坑,把他那箱子埋了下去,又用锹填上土,掩了那坑。)
  • 10、At last, the two applied examples of fingerprint recognition module - fingerprint lock and fingerprintcoffer are described.(最后,结合实际已经开发出的产品,介绍了指纹识别模块的两个应用实例——指纹锁和指纹保险箱。)
  • 11、In the samecoffer he had placed his other treasures, the Bishop's candlesticks.(在小箱中,他又把他的另一宝物,主教的烛台也放了进去。)
  • 12、The swell's data observed in the actualcoffer dam demolition blasting have also confirmed the accuracy of model experiment achievement.(实际围堰爆破时的涌浪观测资料也验证了模型试验成果的正确性。)
  • 13、Thecoffer of gold, which is part of your treasure, denotes that your riches shall soon be transferred to me.(这箱黄金,你的一部分的财富,表示你的财富将很快转移到我的名下。)
  • 14、Do you like tea or would you prefercoffer?(你愿你喝茶还是愿意喝咖啡?)
  • 15、There are many jewels in thecoffer.(保险箱里有许多宝石。)
  • 16、There are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and theircoffer is never empty.(这些相信生命和生命所馈赠的人,他们的宝库永远不会空的。)
  • 17、It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making acoffer of the grave.(这是可怕的,看看手中的精益溺爱使围堰严重。)
  • 18、In an instant a space three feet long by two feet broad was cleared, and Dants could see an oakencoffer, bound with cut steel.(一霎时,挖开了一块三尺长两尺宽的地面,唐太斯看到了一只橡木钱柜,外面包着一层已被挖破了的铁皮。)
  • 19、Three compartments divided thecoffer.(那只钱柜分成了三格。)
  • 20、However, a company must still have a hugecoffer of money for cash flow to keep the business alive.(然而,公司仍然必须有一笔庞大的现金流围堰使企业保持生存。)
  • 21、Would you like a cup ofcoffer, Mother?(母亲你喝杯咖啡吗?。)
  • 22、It is my privatecoffer.(这是我的小金库。)
  • 23、The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in hercoffer.(这女孩得到允许,可以把饼干放在咖啡里浸一浸吃。)
  • 24、Close to thecoffer lay a monster, who warned him to return whence he came.(铁箱附近守着一只妖怪,它警告那人说,从哪里来,回哪里去。)
  • 25、There is a special touch to thecoffer that makes it so desirable.(有一种特殊的触摸到的箱柜,它使这么好。)
  • 26、The moderncoffer is operated in the fixed digital keyboard, and even by wireless controller.(当初密码保险箱都是采取固定数字键盘式的,甚至(本文此处略…)采取遥控器进行操作。)



英 [ˈkɒfə(r)] 美 [ˈkɔ:fə(r)] 
过去式: coffered 过去分词: coffered 现在分词: coffering 第三人称单数: coffers

