


更新时间:2024-06-03 00:09:10



  • 1、But the source of the latest impasse was Mr Netanyahu, who either knew about the announcement or failed tocountermand the new settlements when he heard about them.(但最近这次僵局的根源还是在于内塔尼亚胡,他要么早就知道这一宣告,要么就是听到建设新定居点时没能阻止它。)
  • 2、The generalcountermand the orders issued in his absence.(将军撤销了他不在时所发布的命令。)
  • 3、If you do not deliver the goods as promise by the end of June, we will be compelled tocountermand our order.(如果贵方不能按照约定的于六月底前交货,我方将不得不撤销订货。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 4、Intimately familiar with the parameters of the droid signal device, Dellso found a way tocountermand the deactivate signal, and soon newly minted battle droids began churning out on the fiery world.(由于熟知机器人信号设备的参数,德尔索找到了取消关闭信号的方法。很快,大量新建的战斗机器人出现在这个炽热的星球。)
  • 5、Pleasecountermand our order for same.(对上述订单,请取消。)
  • 6、I have now tocountermand that order, in consequence of the receipting of the letter this morning.(由于今日上午才收到来函,现在只好取消那份订单。)
  • 7、I can'tcountermand an order Winger's given.(我无法撤销温格下达的命令。)
  • 8、Andcountermand all the soft stuff.(连同收回所有温软的废话。)
  • 9、Market price of the award is 50 Yuan and upwards, you can pick it up in the condition of no ordercountermand in one month.(中奖奖品市价在50元以上的,需一个月后无退订单情况下领取。)



英 [ˌkaʊntəˈmɑ:nd] 美 [ˈkaʊntərmænd] 
过去式: countermanded 过去分词: countermanded 现在分词: countermanding 第三人称单数: countermands
