
cry out for造句

cry out for造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 00:02:35


cry out for造句

  • 1、I will notcry out for you — as my voice isn't good.(我不会疯狂地为你尖叫——因为我的嗓子不好。)
  • 2、Scarlett had a sudden treacherous desire to cry out, “But you've been happy, and you and Mother aren't alike,” but she repressed it, fearing that he would box her ears for her impertinence.(思嘉忽然心里起了种恶意,想大声喊出来:“可你不是一直很幸福呀,尽管你和妈并不是同类的人,"不过她把这念头压下去了,生怕他容忍不了这种卤莽行为,给她一耳光。)
  • 3、Even when Icry out for help, he stops my prayer.(我呼吁求救时,他却掩耳不听我的祈祷。)
  • 4、The vagaries of floating exchange rates seem tocry out for yet another experiment in monetary integration, perhaps even a stab at a world currency.(浮动汇率的反复无常,似乎在呼唤另一次货币一体化实验,甚至尝试一种全球化的货币。)
  • 5、Our peoplecry out for you, they begged for their god to save them.(我们的人们迫切需要您,他们乞求他们的神去拯救他们,但你没来。)
  • 6、Both of us wore baseball caps, and she still wanted tocry out for customers along the street in market.i stoped it immediately.i.(我俩都带着棒球帽,她还想吆喝几声,被我及时制止。)
  • 7、Similarly when we see no shore, struggle in a storm, or are sent out by God alone in our journey of life, we cancry out for help, yet we can still trust God.(同样,当我们在我们生命的旅途中没看见岸,在风暴中奋斗或者单独被神派出时,我们可以急切呼求帮助,但我们仍然可以信靠神。)
  • 8、The tyrant's oppressed subjectscry out for their liberty.(被暴君压迫的臣民呼吁给予他们自由。)
  • 9、If the person doesn't stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.(如果那个人还没有停下来,你可以大声喊办公室就在附近的老师来寻求帮助。)
  • 10、But if you were a tear in my eye I would nevercry out for fear of losing you...(如果你是我眼中的一滴眼泪,我今生都不会哭,因为我舍不得你。)
  • 11、His loyal heart seemed to cry out on his weaker self for its treachery.(他那颗忠诚的心似乎在大喊,斥责他那脆弱的自我的背叛。)
  • 12、In Tang Dynasty, however, scholars' status was proved, and literature was advocated to stink the personality andcry out for the society and The Times.(在唐代,文士的地位有所提高,传统文论进而鼓吹文学既要张扬个性,又要同社会相结合,为时代而呐喊。)
  • 13、We reach out to each other, we cry, gather for memorials and experience a very palpable sense of loss.(我们同彼此交流伤感之情,我们为之哭泣,聚集在一起纪念并感受着一种明显的失落。)
  • 14、I want the beating palms tocry out for Samson.(我要那鞭笞用的棕榈,来为参孙放声痛哭。)
  • 15、Summer, the magician the cicadascry out for us to sing.(夏天,魔术师把知了喊出来为我们唱歌。)
  • 16、Fear gripped her, turning her bowels to ice; but she did not panic and did notcry out for help.(恐惧向她袭来,心像结了冰;但是她并没尖叫着喊救命。)
  • 17、Many states have mandatory minimum sentences, which remove judges' discretion to show mercy, even when the circumstances of a casecry out for it.(即便在一个让他痛苦流涕的案子的环境下,许多州的强制性最低刑期的存在,排除了法官酌情开恩的选择。)
  • 18、Uncomfortable situations, fear and pain are all tension builders thatcry out for humor.(不舒服的情况,害怕和疼痛都会使我们远离幽默。)
  • 19、British Numbers are "disturbing" andcry out for regulation, says Mr Deliens.(Deliens先生说英国的数据很“烦扰”而且呼吁管理。) hao86.com
  • 20、She struggled, she began tocry out for mercy, but I held her fast, forcing back her head and staring down into her face.(她想挣开,开始哭着求饶,可是我紧紧掐着她,把她的头往后扳,盯着她的脸看。)

cry out for基本释义

cry out for

英 [krai aut fɔ:] 美 [kraɪ aʊt fɔr] 

