
be accused of造句

be accused of造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 00:01:33


be accused of造句

  • 1、He couldbe accused of passion, but never belligerence.(他也许可以被指责为性情冲动,但决不是生性好斗。)
  • 2、This is what he wouldbe accused of when he got to guantanamo Bay in 2004, via a secret prison in Afghanistan.(这正是他在2004年被从阿富汗押解到关塔那摩监狱时被起诉的罪名。)
  • 3、I could notbe accused of bilking them for money, and I didn't have to worry about pushing my "client" too far and getting fired.(我不会被他们责怪说我骗他们的钱,我也没必要担心把我的客户逼得太厉害而遭到炒鱿鱼的命运。)
  • 4、He wanted tobe accused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison.(他应该被指控为盗窃罪,他会在监狱里觉得舒服的。)
  • 5、Another: Corporate lawyers generally believe that the less a company discloses, the less it canbe accused of having misrepresented.(另:公司律师普遍认为,少一间公司披露,少它可以被指责有失实的陈述。)
  • 6、Anything we should take care so that we will notbe accused of stealing the method?(为了避免被指控偷窃这种方法,我们该小心那些事?)
  • 7、He could neverbe accused of fitting the mould.(他永远都不可能被指责属于这个类型。)
  • 8、The press began tobe accused of being one-sided, unfair, of not giving a balanced picture.(人们开始指责报纸立场偏颇,不公正,没有进行全面的描述。)
  • 9、If we did not do this, we couldbe accused of staring at our own navel.(如果我们不这么做,我们的目光就太短浅了。)
  • 10、But at least Rolling Stone can'tbe accused of false advertising by playing the cover for shock value.(但是至少《滚石》不会因为“为了有冲击力的封面而进行错误地广告宣传”而被指责。)
  • 11、If "Miss Hydrangea" supposedly had big ideas about Hillary Clinton then I suppose Anna willbe accused of trying to hook up with Barack Obama.(如果姑且说“八仙花小姐”有针对希拉里·克林顿的大动作,那么我觉得安娜将会因试图勾搭BarackObama罪被起诉。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 12、If it liquidated and put the cash into the bank, he said, his father wouldbe accused of artificially inflating interest rates for personal gain.(如果它进行清盘并把现金存入银行,他说人们就会指责他父亲刻意让利率升高,以便谋取个人利益。)
  • 13、Palpatine professed the need to diversify manufacturers lest the Senatebe accused of bias in favor of CEC.(帕尔帕廷声称,订货渠道的多样化很有必要,否则人们将指责议会偏袒科雷利亚工程公司。)
  • 14、The alternative—tobe accused of interfering in the domestic affairs of sovereign developing nations—was just too unpalatable.(另一种选择是:(采取行动,但是要冒着)被指控干涉主权国家的内部事务(的风险),这实在让人不舒服。)
  • 15、Above all Figo is a team player. He can neverbe accused of not giving 100 per cent when he steps out on to the field.(然而菲戈首先是一个极具团队精神的球员,在球场上,他永远在付出百分之百的努力。)
  • 16、He thinks that people who need to stay in bed longer in the morning should notbe accused of laziness because of their genetic disposition.(他认为早上赖床的人不应该因遗传天性而被指控为懒惰。)
  • 17、Hollywood canbe accused of pushing the stereotypes, but it has been doing so against all cultures and countries.(你可以指责好莱坞在推动刻板印象,但它对所有文化和国家都是这样做的。)
  • 18、Even at her most melodramatic, she can hardlybe accused of bewitching a whole generation into misplacing its stiff upper lip.(即便是自责她戏剧性的历程,也很难指控戴安娜是利用她外露的感情让一代人倾倒。)
  • 19、Despite his literary moniker, the eponymous hero of "Lord Byron" is unlikely tobe accused of being mad, bad or dangerous to know.(尽管有着拜伦勋爵这个绰号,在人们看来,以此为名的主演却不太可能会被认为是个疯狂,难以了解,或是危险的人。)
  • 20、Yes, people can stillbe accused of practicing witchcraft and condemned to death for it nowadays.(是的,人们现今仍然可以被指责搞巫术而被判处死刑。)
  • 21、I mightbe accused of being partial.(我可能会被人指责是偏袒的。)
  • 22、BARACK OBAMA can hardlybe accused of ignoring his next-door neighbours.(巴拉克·奥巴马应该不会因忽视他的近邻而受到指责。)
  • 23、I don't want tobe accused of tampering with the evidence.(我不想被指控篡改证据。)
  • 24、JOSH DORFMAN, author of "The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, green Living," could notbe accused of failing to live green.(有谁能指责说《懒人环保:怎样轻松潇洒地绿色生活》作者乔什·多尔夫曼没有绿色地生活呢?)
  • 25、That I shouldbe accused of murder!(我竟然被控谋杀!)

be accused of基本释义
